Bullym0m said:Never forget that..
When I was kid.. at school and teacher forced me to eat seafoods.. I was begged teacher that I'm allergy to eat seafoods.. ENDED UP.. Teacher made me do eat it.. Okay I eat it.. then quicker turns me into RED.. and HUGE VOMITTING ON teacher's legs..
I said.. *FO* to teacher.. Thanks lot look at me.. Im seriouis hurts my tummy.. somehow other teacher saw my face turns worst more red.. Took me hospital immeditialy and gave me lot of special kind of fluid water and to drink it.. Made me more extra vomitting until my somatch is totally EMPTY..
Finally felt better but stayed hospital for overnight.. In case if happends worst.. next day is fine.. *whew* My parent really angrily and went school right away took them drove for one hour drive from home to go school. Oh boyee.. My parent apporched to prinpcial.. and have our rights fire that teacher.. Why Teacher didn't listen my dautgher was told "allergy" doesn't make sense thinks that she is bluffing allergy seafoods??
I have no idea what going on about My parent and teacher and prinpical long talk then 1 week later.. No teacher there missing.. Figures me.. probably FIRED??
Until When I was 21 yrs old, My best friend thinks that Im bluffing about seafoods allergy.. So She decide to make pasta mixed tuna.. I looked pasta.. oh awwww delcouisly... Loved pasta.. I had once bite then swolled it.. Geez.. My face turned into RED AND HOT.. felt funny my somatch..
She felt guility and grabbed me run into the toilet.. I knew it..
I was so mad at her.. She said sorry, I thought it was joke.. I told her NO!
Geez.. I'm glad I'm fine..
I really wanted eat seafoods but can't.. Only I can eat Halbiut/Haddock fish.
TygersaidStfu said:mine was peas.. my dad gave me a bunch of peas which I loathed it so.. my dad forced me to eat all if I want to watch t.v. so I did.. somehow.. I threw up all over the kitchen floor and bathroom floor too.. let me tell u it was unpleasant thing to see.. it was so greeeen I mean greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn.. makes me
OH you hate ketchup too??? yay! i thought i was the only one who dont like ketchup! its nasty like putting sugar on tomatoes..eww! lol.Bullym0m said:Okay,
When I was little girl...
HATE: Peas, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, ketchup, seafoods(of course allergy), eggplant, yams,turnips and mushrooms. (some others too) pretty long.. *chuckles*
I'm Adult really hate: tomatoes, ketchup, seafoods(of course still allergy), eggplant, and yams.
Yeah, Liebling.. Oh well that's life.. Only I can eat haddock/Halbuit tasty perfect at FISH & CHIPS RESTURANT.. (werid)
^Angel^ said:When I was little, I used to threw up green peas.....My mom made me eat those green peas , Sometimes, when my mom isn't around I either feed it to our dog or hide it in my pockets or napkins...