I don't really know how deaf people are supposed to look like. I was told by another deaf girl that it's obvious how they "look around their surrounding all the time" when hearing people barely look around. I do kinda notice that with myself because I tend to look around my surrounding too much.
Signing or speaking isn't a good example of deafness, in my opinion. Any hearing can sign, and anybody can have problems with their speech (like lisp or being foreign in another country or stuttering). However, deaf accent can be fairly obvious to hearing person who have a lot of experiences with deaf people.
So, I don't really know what kind impression that I give out when I meet people. I don't live in city such as Rochester or DC where the deaf population is high. There are too many factors that someone can come up with. Sometime it might take couple of weeks for someone to figure out that I'm deaf. Most of the time, they always thought I just sound "a little off and careless with my speech"
Everyone is different when it come to giving out a impression. You might get asshole, nice person, open-mind person, closed-mind person, deaf person blah blah it's endless.