Looks like one of my neighbors. She is a severe alcoholic and she is constantly in and out of the hospital. It is not uncommon for the ambulance to come pick her up at least once or twice a month. She is very thin, here teeth are bad, and she has all sorts of other problems. The sad part is when she cannot get beer, she will resort to drinking straight cooking wine. She asked me to go to the store for her and I told her absolutely not because I'm not going to enable her drinking.
This lady is in her 60's and looks every bit like a woman in her 80s or older. This same lady has been known to come knocking on mine and my other neighbor's doors during the wee hours of the morning. I usually don't find out she has been banging on my door until the next morning.
Me and one of my other neighbor's have tried everything we can to force her into a legally incapacitated state so that she would be forced into rehab but nothing has worked. This woman needs to get sobered up and be placed in an assisted living center so that she can be properly watched over.