What does your Screenname mean?

Common minds thinks alike.. Awesome minds thinks differently. :D
ja is my first two letters of my name and z is my maiden name, for some reason I added zy to make jazzy. I did not know it has a word, it means showy and flashy. Of course jazzy is under the word jazz.
b = Brittany
b = Briana
n = aNd
t = Tasia

My 3 daughters
I got this username, 'Magatsu' from popular manga, 'Blade of the Immortal'. Magastu is a son of peasants, he lost sister to one of lords in Japan. His sister accidently kicked the ball in one of lords' way and it startled lord's horse... to punish Magatsu's sister, they cut her in two (that's rich people for you). He realized the difference between cruel & rich lords included certain samurais and good-hearted poor people. He spent years and years on swordsmanship to become a skilled swordsman to kill the lords included samurais to 'clean up' the evilness in Japan.

I picked him because of his character, personality, attitude, philosophy, etc etc.. these traits are remarkably similar as mine. That's where I get the username from.

btw, my avatar is Magatsu's face ;)
Ya'll know what sequoias is? It means that I am a tree freak, which I love giant trees that towers wayyy above me. :) They are the name of giant trees that grow in California sierra mountain ranges.
I knew that. Cuz I have been there many times in the past. I grew up in Woods hole. :D

My screenname mean the type of dog that I have and he passed away. I missed him dearly.

oakbluffs said:
Oak Bluffs is a small village on Martha's Vineyard, an island off Massachusetts shore.
It’s my last name. I wasn’t exactly a fountainhead of creativity the week I became a member. :|
e is first letter of my name. its mostly used for sign language name and easier for those to remember! so, my full name is elyse (pronounced e-lees or something like it) :)
spice is my nickname... someone gave it to me cuz he said i tend to "spice" people's life... both good and bad... and plus he said theres something about me that alway make them want to talk to me ... i tried to make him explain more but he didnt *shrugs*

hd as in harley davidson since im a huge fan of H.D. :)
nozobo said:
<-- N stand for my first name Nathan, some ppl call me Natty... the rest ozobo was followed by my brother with his first name J so I switched to my name N and got stuck with it for long time... hint AD screenname is same with AIM
Where in CO? I lived in Longmont for 3 years and worked IBM years ago.

My name is John and I've been in an terp training program for 10 years, so ITPjohn. I graduate in May and hope to work in schools.
I choice a nickname since I get a power wheelchair since Feb 2001, the both legs very weak not able to walk on since 1996 used on manual wheelchair too much overworked wheeling by handrims causing shoulder pains, a doctor wrote a justification letter and rx form to order power wheelchair.

Power WheelChair Rulez - speedy chair and hacked version of joystick controller by programmer plugs into controller to change a settings..