You're getting the hairy eyeball cuz the irony here is killing me.
So back in the 90's Clinton tried for a single payer system *gasp socialism*. The republican think tank The Heritage Foundation came up with a counter offer with an individual mandate to get all if America covered, republicans said yes, democrats said no, stale mate nothing got passed. Years later Romney, a republican pulled that bill out dusted it off and implemented it in Mass. Now Obama is in office and wants something done about healthcare, they know they'd never get a single payer system passed so they decide to compromise. Bust that republican bill back out dust it off again vamp it. The republicans loved it before, voted for it, a republican governor used it. So they're thinking okay this is a done deal, we're going to get shit done now hooah!! No. Now all of a sudden it's socialism. It's not, they know it's not. But that not going to stop them from telling you that because they know people like you will lose their freaking minds. NAZIssss!!!! You guys will eat that shit up with a spoon, throw some taster sauce on it.
So please, tell me more about force fed propaganda, it's fascinating. Oh and more blonde jokes, cause that never gets lame or tiresome.