But how dependable The Bible really is? After all, there is all sorts of religious equivalents of Christian Bible that people are ready to die for.
How can we say Bible says it all, while somebody else insist no the Quran does??
and what about older Jewish holy books? what does they say about dinosaurs?? etc.
I think the most important thing to consider here is the fact of time (as somebody tried to do that). Do you know that the higher in the air you are, the time changes?
see if you can understand the concept of time using the picture (play with it)
It's pretty clear we are clueless what we see, ain't we?
so, TIME, this is the very first step that proves looking for scientific fact in Bible is, to say the least, dubious. Since we don't really know what TIME means. Or exactly what it is????
because Bible is like a huge Methaphor, looking for truths in metaphors is not only difficult but allows for a whole sort of interpretations.
What we do with the Bible- all we do is interpret it.
And you know how it is- as many minds, so many ideas.
But where is an absolute, total, undisputable, crystal clear fact- all minds think the same. Take 2+2....
Another thing to consider is - Bible is not a precise relay of God's word. Bible is complied of things that were told by PEOPLE. who as we all know have a knack for dressing up a thing here and there. This alone make me suspicious about how accurate the Bible is pertaining to God's true words.
yet another thing to consider about Bible is that it while it may seem to be very simple compilation of stories and God's messages, actually about the meaning of what is written there quite a sophisticated philosophers are still pondering about.
Who are we, simple folks, to interpret such a mysterious document?
ps- who's heard of the Bible Code- the real one by :