Please show me any evidence you can do that quickly without being arrested.A true American is one who defends his freedom and uses his freedom. You have the right to vote and you have the right not to vote. This is part of your freedom. A person who bears these rights is an American, but not always a free American.
A free American is one who votes, obeys the law whether or not he/she likes it, and a free American shows his leaders his valued opinion.
We may not like some of the laws that are in place, but we respect them while they are laws. We have the right to disagree with the law and fight for it's removel.
We have the right to break the law and lose some of our rights.
This is what makes us Americans. Our choices and our freedom rights.
The path we choose is what makes us free Americans and or just plain old Americans.
Another thing is that a true American is one who'll stand up and fight when his/her freedom is in danger. When your future and the future of your fellow Americans are in danger then you'll stand up and fight. This has always been the greatness of being a true American.
Please show me any evidence you can do that quickly without being arrested.
Because I have chosen to stay in the country that I was born and raised in. My father fought for this country for 20 years of Naval service. My mother helped defend this land from Kamakazi pilots and Nazi Blitzkreig by assisting in the manufacture of war equipment. Their votes help determine the direction our country took during the 40's, 50's, and 60's. My vote has done the same since the mid 70's. I can look around and see ugliness in some Americans, and some parts of America, but not nearly enough to make me even consider living anywhere else.What is an American?
A person that was born within the borders of the USA, or born to parents of the USA.
What makes you an American?
I qualify under both parts of my first response.
and why?
too many damn Americans do not even know their Constitution and American history.... and yet they claim to be patriotic :roll:
too many damn Americans do not even know their Constitution and American history.... and yet they claim to be patriotic :roll:
too many damn Americans do not even know their Constitution and American history.... and yet they claim to be patriotic :roll:
Broke , jobless, and , homeless! The number of homeless people is going up!
This country is going down the tube !
Thank Obama for that.
Thank Obama for that.
what the..
i know this is a free country and all, but your obsession with obama is getting out of hand. i don't understand this at all. i know republicans (hell, my own parents are republicans) who dislike obama, but they aren't as extreme as you. you have some serious underlying issues with yourself that you need to work out on. is it because you're racist? if not, what IS it?
what the..
i know this is a free country and all, but your obsession with obama is getting out of hand. i don't understand this at all. i know republicans (hell, my own parents are republicans) who dislike obama, but they aren't as extreme as you. you have some serious underlying issues with yourself that you need to work out on. is it because you're racist? if not, what IS it?
what the..
i know this is a free country and all, but your obsession with obama is getting out of hand. i don't understand this at all. i know republicans (hell, my own parents are republicans) who dislike obama, but they aren't as extreme as you. you have some serious underlying issues with yourself that you need to work out on. is it because you're racist? if not, what IS it?
too many damn Americans do not even know their Constitution and American history.... and yet they claim to be patriotic :roll:
The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.netThe Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.