a real freind will give up their time with 'others' to hang out with you for a change, people seems to be too afraid to be real, they prefer 'routine' freinds, well those people arent worth much, because they dont know the value of time for other people, i mean they dont realise how much is appreciated by others. Even if its helping out for 1 hour in the garden is an enormous thing, as it bring warmth, bonding, showing humanity, and i sometimes can't believe that in a capitlist society, people are so selfish not just with money, but time.
A real freind gives, times, shares their thoughts, give honest reactions, and give ideas on how to live better and handle difficult people in various situations.
we all only got one life, its not like the 1 day can be put off because you have 7x 30x52x40 days to pick out and allow yourself to say nah not this time to give others. Turn it around, and realise, its 7x 1 days is one week , but in that one week you have commitment to turn up to work on monday to friday (or shift works) , and one day to clean out house, and one day doing nothing, exhausted..maybe during the weeks its attending morning/afternoon/night classes depending on when you work or lifestyle you lead...but that still means PAYING to someone to teach you something, its still the Buying, its not freinds at all....then after all that in 1 week is gone, and repeat, and you have committmeents dueing year like birthdays, work functions, school meetings, and if you dont , it will backfire...again it all about world of work and money...then you have 10 years, then kids are mid-teens then another 10 years they're in university or leaving home *(or left)..times goes A LOT quicker than we realise, and the power to wipe sadness from other people's faces fast dissappears too
being a freind will bring more than what money can buy..
just my 2 cents