What does "audism" mean to the deaf community?

There have been several threads mentioning audism, and I'd like to know what it means to the deaf community. What does audism mean to you?

Is it being forced to have speech? Is it implanting a CI in a very young child? I don't know. :hmm::hmm:

Please enlighten me. Thanks in advance! :ty:

Hi friend. Having a degree and experience in speech/language and hearing sciences, the link is that sign (asl) is the language used in the deaf community, however we also use sign with children with special needs who have delays or disorders with language... and one of the key characteristics in children with Autism is speech/language deficits/and or delays (these children are very visual, and signs help them to establish a means of communication). It is not being forced to have speech, but rather a means of communicating their wants and needs.
WHY ARE YOU ALL SPELLING AUTISM like AUDISM? is that an oversight or a dig?

There have been several threads mentioning audism, and I'd like to know what it means to the deaf community. What does audism mean to you?

Is it being forced to have speech? Is it implanting a CI in a very young child? I don't know. :hmm::hmm:

Please enlighten me. Thanks in advance! :ty:

Why are you all spelling Autism AUDISM?
I am not a member of the deaf culture, and I so respect your culture as I have studied it for a long time, however please be open to those that get CI. You may not want to go this route, however some do....please don't judge. I live my life by this motto (race, ethnicity, sexuality, and any other way a person chooses to live their live, IT IS THEIR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please no judgement......"live and let live" :)
I wouldn't call those bloggers extremists.

They want a Deaf-centric site, meaning no CI blogs. No oralist deaf blogs and so on. However the owner of DeafRead maintained that as long they're not outright attacking anyone in a vulgar manner, DeafRead will remain an uncensored, generalist aggregator. I am inclined to side with the owner. Yeah, we're an oppressed group, but that doesn't give us the rights to oppress other people.

The thing is that a few people want to add "audism" to the R-list which would essentially restrict the type of entries that oralists and CI bloggers can submit. However no one can agree on what "audism" means since none of the entries are "audists" according to the original definition in 197-something.

I am not too sure what's happening with DTV though.... I don't post on it, so I wouldn't know.

Souggy, in a nutshell, that's what's happening in DVTV, too. I see those few who want to be more "deaf-centric" as wanting to hijack the site, and all the while a couple of them are saying they are developing their own aggregator which is why I think its shameful for them to try and destroy these two sites. Its really the collective vs individualism, liberals vs moderates/conservatives. Collectivism scares me as it is insular, complying with group sameness, etc vs the individual. I guess that's the dormant Emersonian in me....long story.
We are not talking about autism...

That's right Shel, we are talking about a word that scholars haven't gotten into the dictionary yet despite it being coined 35 years ago by Tom Humphries.
I am not a member of the deaf culture, and I so respect your culture as I have studied it for a long time, however please be open to those that get CI. You may not want to go this route, however some do....please don't judge. I live my life by this motto (race, ethnicity, sexuality, and any other way a person chooses to live their live, IT IS THEIR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please no judgement......"live and let live" :)

You sure are talking a lot about things you know nothing about. I am a deaf autistic.

But I am not an audist! :crazy:
shel90;14[B said:
42883]I agree...that was very audist of this person. U know what I hate? People who get CIs and they act like they are better than deaf people without CIs or their lives revolve around the CI[/B]s. My CI did this, my CI did that and so on. I dont mind them talking about their CIs but not ALL the time to the point where their lives are totally consumed by it. I have seen that happen with some AD posters here too.

How about hard of hearing is better than deaf with HA and non HA? The hard of hearing people's attitude toward to deaf with HA or without HA because HOH can hear the sound, music, and speak on phone more than deaf. Some hoh people are snobbery and brag about can hear anything than deaf. Because deaf people can't hear on the phone, not good lipreading and speech. It's frustrate for deaf people to understand. Some deaf people are lazy to learn speech and lipreading because can't hear the sound. The deaf people decide to get CI to hear the tool. CI is better than HOH with hearing aids and even deaf with HA. Do you understand what I mean? HOH with hearing aids and Deaf with CI are fair.
How about hard of hearing is better than deaf with HA and non HA? The hard of hearing people's attitude toward to deaf with HA or without HA because HOH can hear the sound, music, and speak on phone more than deaf. Some hoh people are snobbery and brag about can hear anything than deaf. Because deaf people can't hear on the phone, not good lipreading and speech. It's frustrate for deaf people to understand. Some deaf people are lazy to learn speech and lipreading because can't hear the sound. The deaf people decide to get CI to hear the tool. CI is better than HOH with hearing aids and even deaf with HA. Do you understand what I mean? HOH with hearing aids and Deaf with CI are fair.

Some deaf people are not lazy to learn to lipread and develop speech skills. My brother was unable to do so because it just didnt make sense to him not because he was lazy. There are many deaf people who have tried and tried but were unable to do so. Everyone is different not because they are lazy. Who calls a 2 year old deaf child lazy for not learning how to lipread. That's not fair.

I dont really care about being able to hear as much as you do. My life doesnt revolve around hearing. I just live my life to the fullest to the best I can. I used to dwell on my lack of hearing..no more.
Shel is one of my new role models. :D

Why do people need to create some kind of hierarchy? Is this how we're conditioned? Are we so used to scrambling for some kind of status in our society that we unconsciously do it here? :hmm:
Shel is one of my new role models. :D

Why do people need to create some kind of hierarchy? Is this how we're conditioned? Are we so used to scrambling for some kind of status in our society that we unconsciously do it here? :hmm:

Thank you. The heirarchy based on hearing status is such full of BS. I am not interested in it at all. There is more to life than this. LOL!
Agreed. We should always define ourselves without reference to anyone else. To do otherwise is to give away our personal power.
Well, a group of Deaf extremists (can't think of a better word right now) want the owner to put the word, "Audism" in the rules and he will not because there seems to be no clear cut definition for the word so "oppression", etc will have the same effect. I think those folks are just trying to hijack the site......long story, been evolving for almost a year and a half now.
Ah but there is. Tom Humphries defined it very clearly and well. I think the problem is that people are making up their own definitions and not sticking to the definition by the man that coined the word.
How about hard of hearing is better than deaf with HA and non HA? The hard of hearing people's attitude toward to deaf with HA or without HA because HOH can hear the sound, music, and speak on phone more than deaf. Some hoh people are snobbery and brag about can hear anything than deaf. Because deaf people can't hear on the phone, not good lipreading and speech. It's frustrate for deaf people to understand. Some deaf people are lazy to learn speech and lipreading because can't hear the sound. The deaf people decide to get CI to hear the tool. CI is better than HOH with hearing aids and even deaf with HA. Do you understand what I mean? HOH with hearing aids and Deaf with CI are fair.

I don't know about you or others. I disagree with your opinion about everything relating with CI users or attitudes. Lots of reasons why they feel so insecure and put on chips on their shoulders and act tough.
I was born profoundly deaf. I have been attending to speech therapist when i was a kid. I found it so useless to me. I wasn't lazy for it. I did put lots of efforts to practice with speaking but still feel that it was no point for me to speak not well. While I sign and i felt it that is right for me over speak like it is my natural sign than speak. I decided to end the speech therapist and made better choices such as joining any kind of sports which were more useful for me. I have been wearing my hearing aid all my life. Until I get older and close to 40's. I figure out that I will live like 30 to 40 years or more. I thought I would like to try CI in order to hear so curiosity more. Once in a while, I do become restless when I hear so silent. Actually, I like to hear something so noise that keeps me sane. That is the reason why I go for CI to hear more for myself. Needless to say, I don't expect to speak better or listen better. I only want to hear more sounds what CI can offer, nothing else. If I get a CI and I would not be surprised to learn something and will tell you if so. Of course I would rather be a deaf chickie with a sound tool then that is who i am. In the case, I always think that if i get a CI then I will feel like a semi-borg. :shock:
Ah but there is. Tom Humphries defined it very clearly and well. I think the problem is that people are making up their own definitions and not sticking to the definition by the man that coined the word.

:werd: I see that happen quite often.

Pinky said:
Some deaf people are lazy to learn speech and lipreading because can't hear the sound.
How do hearing people learn to talk? by hearing other people talk right? So why would you say that some deaf people are lazy because they cannot hear? It's difficult for them to speak when they can't even hear themselves producing sounds correctly. It takes a lot of time, effort and determination. It may be harder on some deaf people who cannot get their tongues in the right place, it doesn't mean they are lazy, it can be very frustrated though. ;)
I don't know about you or others. I disagree with your opinion about everything relating with CI users or attitudes. Lots of reasons why they feel so insecure and put on chips on their shoulders and act tough.
I was born profoundly deaf. I have been attending to speech therapist when i was a kid. I found it so useless to me. I wasn't lazy for it. I did put lots of efforts to practice with speaking but still feel that it was no point for me to speak not well. While I sign and i felt it that is right for me over speak like it is my natural sign than speak. I decided to end the speech therapist and made better choices such as joining any kind of sports which were more useful for me. I have been wearing my hearing aid all my life. Until I get older and close to 40's. I figure out that I will live like 30 to 40 years or more. I thought I would like to try CI in order to hear so curiosity more. Once in a while, I do become restless when I hear so silent. Actually, I like to hear something so noise that keeps me sane. That is the reason why I go for CI to hear more for myself. Needless to say, I don't expect to speak better or listen better. I only want to hear more sounds what CI can offer, nothing else. If I get a CI and I would not be surprised to learn something and will tell you if so. Of course I would rather be a deaf chickie with a sound tool then that is who i am. In the case, I always think that if i get a CI then I will feel like a semi-borg. :shock:
