I am sorry that I didn’t explain earlier. What you just said that correct. It is how interpreter and CDI will work together interpreting to client or person. So the person will understanding better; if the interpreter signs that does fit to client do get not enough learning or disability learning that require get second interpreter be CDI that probably most for college and court. It’s might not for work or job because probably expecting to learn and improve understand communicate skill or something like that? Like its is new CDI and it’s not yet recognized.
CDI will apply for Deaf person who wear the shoe from the begin aged probably 2 year old. While the interpreter start wear their gloves and sign aged start 20’s. Right now, its start 16 year old or older due the high school starts teaching the classroom.
Here the information that what we can do who is eligible.
Benefits of using a Deaf Interpreter:
• Optimal understanding by all parties
• Efficient use of time and resources
• Clarification of linguistic and/or cultural information to reduce misunderstanding(s)
Deaf consumers who may require a Deaf interpreter:
• Deaf immigrants
• Deaf persons who have been socially isolated (ie. From rural areas, inmates of mental facilities or prisons)
• Deaf Plus (mentally ill, developmentally delayed, educationally deprived)
• A Deaf person who is not comfortable with hearing people
• A Deaf person who is seriously ill, injured or dying (the Deaf person’s ability to produce signs clearly or use both arms when signing may be affected)
• Deaf children who have not been exposed or who may have had limited exposure to English and/or ASL
more information:
Also you can search google: Conduct for Deaf Interpreter
Let me get this straight...
Are you saying a CDI is the intermediary between an interpreter (assuming certified or maybe not???) and the client or recipient? So in other words, the interpreter takes what the hearing person said and sends it on to the CDI who in turns sends it on to the recipient. Ummm...I really want to understand what the CDI's role is in this setup to justify the longer communication loop.