What do you see out of your window?


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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I'm bored.
i looked out for you to see if you'd come over.

Well, in this office room where my computer is in, there is lot, lot of trees and parking area. I sometimes gaze at some people talking, gesturing or arguing outside on the parking area (I live on second floor).
I see a huge pine trees of me, Landlord office, other apt complex, a swimming pool and a bird taking a poop.
Out the window, I see gardens of the apt complex, neighboring apt units, not much to see out my window. :P
now it is dark.. but earlier today...

i saw construction bees (the size of a bumble bee) buzzing/flying all over my window... it DROVE ME UP THE WALL!!! :pissed: grrrr! they were so annoying and distracting since my computer is in the front of the window.. sheesh!!! :dizzy: :lol:
Outside my window is lots of grass in an empty lot (someone already owns it -- may build a house there one day), a fence, a lake.....and my pet Boston Terrier's grave. She died last December so we buried her in our backyard, and her grave is fixed up pretty nice.
this computer is near to backyard of this house.. I see green plants and old pool that we never go swimming in it.. and staring at the weather thinking and all ;)
by my window in backyard can see plenty full of cows n horses grazin grass in big acres field another windowin front can see driveway n road n firehall n mountains view ofc i live in country :)
I see people walking their dogs, kids playing, mobile homes, trees, cats running, cars passing by once in a while. *shrugs*
*Opening the blinds* I see Magatsu screaming with no pants on in front of my window :eek: Just kidding! :giggle:

I see traffic, which I live right on the corner of the traffic street. Fun isn't it? Not! I see cars flashing their light at my window, I don't know if it is either thundering or it's the cars. :giggle: And I also see a house in front of me which I live in the back house. I know I hope I don't see anyone showering at night cuz you can see through their window when the lights are on at nights, They don't even have curtains up in their bathroom. :Ohno:
Cheri said:
*Opening the blinds* I see Magatsu screaming with no pants on in front of my window :eek: Just kidding! :giggle:

I see traffic, which I live right on the corner of the traffic street. Fun isn't it? Not! I see cars flashing their light at my window, I don't know if it is either thundering or it's the cars. :giggle: And I also see a house in front of me which I live in the back house. I know I hope I don't see anyone showering at night cuz you can see through their window when the lights are on at nights, They don't even have curtains up in their bathroom. :Ohno:

i think u're seeking the clone magatsu in ur area... :P
I went to check on my daughter outside of my window to see her jumping new tramploine with her friends in my back yard this early evening. I enjoy to see the pretty flowers and new fruits in my back yard.
*staring out of my window.. drools @ hunk construction men , they working on road!!* .. j.k

haha.... in bedroom.. my window is too high since i sitting , typing anything on computer.. i dont see anything! haha.. here dead!!

I also see Tongue on Fire by my front window, Sticking her tongue out as usual.

Just kidding! :giggle:
No window here in the room where I am using the computer at work.

Earlier though, at home, outside the window, I saw the weather being grey and raining a bit outside. It's just the backyard out the window, with fences and other houses.

LOL.. one day , i will stand by your window.. Sticking my tongue out on you on window, you will freak out, i will do dare! watch out! *evil laughing*
