^^^A Poultry Coordination Technician.
What computer languages?
I work mainly in C#.
My job is my 1st and only job, work one day per week and volunteer every week too. Main role is Website Administrator, Deaf Awareness Trainer and teach BSL Introduction, other stuff I do is general admin office stuff, support deaf youth group, make creative posters if got time, etc.
It perfect job for me cos they encourage me do all sort of stuff that I never think that I can do, perfect environment for me cos it deaf charity and got deaf boss that can sign.
Dumb question...what is BSL?
Dumb question...what is BSL?
As for me, I used to do graphic design. My specialty was package design.
I don't do that much anymore... my main job is mom to my 13-year old, very happy, special needs boy. I teach water aerobics two mornings a week. I also design and create my own jewelry as well as make glass beads and silversmith work.
C++, Python and CUDA in Linux environment for me. C# is Microsoft in Windows environment. I did Visual Basic .NET for a while.