What do you do for a living?


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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If there's another thread similar to this, please let me know and I'll merge them. If not, then I'm curious to know what everyone does for a living.

As for me, I work in the web department at HearMore and its parent company. My duties are updating/modifying/maintaining their websites, and I work pretty closely with their databases. Programs I use for work include BackOffice, Photoshop, AceHTML, Quark, etc.

I'm also a freelance web designer, and I normally have projects to work on over the weekend nowadays. Lexserv.net is a small web hosting company that I run, and have clients hosted there.

So, you're next -- what do you do for a living?
Currently I'm teaching 3-5 year olds at a daycare, which is much more fun than it sounds like. They're funny little things, and they say the greatest stuff! The best part of the job is that when I'm running late and come into work with pig tails and no make-up, the kids go nuts and tell me how pretty I am. Ironically, if I come in with make-up on and my hair done, they don't notice. But hey, nothing can pick you up on an "ugly day" than 27 children mooning all over you LOL

Also, I do volunteer student interpreting whenever I'm asked (which is more often than you'd think)
Originally posted by Sydlie
The best part of the job is that when I'm running late and come into work with pig tails and no make-up, the kids go nuts and tell me how pretty I am. Ironically, if I come in with make-up on and my hair done, they don't notice. But hey, nothing can pick you up on an "ugly day" than 27 children mooning all over you LOL

How true!!! whatever I throw some on my hair like pigtails or twist around put little bow to hold my bands back.. no make up.. my kids were all over me and say.. Mommy you look cutie!.. Do me hair! Do mine! AHHHH... ok.. you go first, then you are next, you dont need to cuz you are boy.. :roll:.. they go laughs.
it was fun!..
I am fulltime mom... (since 13 years)...
its STRESS JOB! hehe.
Right now I am student and currently employed at Nancy Baker Enterprise as parts inspector and delivery man. Soon, My boss said that I will be promoted to work with controlled shippings.

But this is just temporary job for now, so I can support the house and my family. My business is being on hold for until I get back to minnesota. Its pretty hard to keep up with business when youre 1000 miles away.
A young, hip librarian in the nation's capital - not your stereotypical school librarian. Sorry, Ms. Polley.
i work different jobs. one is lifeguard, and hopefully to be promoted to the manager position since cant keep up with the fast pacing. another one is retail sales and third one is hospital clerk :)
I am employed at Defense of Department for twenty-two years. I may take some class at RIT in Rochester, NY and Northeast University. I have no motivation in Information System Technology. I did rather work with people as Human Service. My agency pays my tuition. I can't change another major, which is not related to my job duties.

I used to work at Mental Health agency for 8 months. That is how; I admire to work with people who are Deaf as much easier to communication. When you help those people, it makes you feel good about yourself. Those clients admire and trust you because you did care and cherish them.

I resigned second job because I need to focus on my two teenager boys. They really need me so badly during the evening and weekend. When they leave from my nest. I may go back to work at Mental Health in the future. Single Mom is very difficult for me !

I can't wait to retire from DoD Government agency within 10 more years !

~ Sabrina
During the day time, I am a Industrial Buyer. I shop for a living. During my spare time, I am a hustler. I am a wheeler and dealer. I am the broker of brokers. LOL. Dont deal w/ drugs, though. If anyone have a business proposal, let me know. See ya . :boink:
I work for Secrectary of State in Colorado for 4 years now . I am AA III . I am not consider this job as my perment ... but will stick round for few years until i get my ass back into college once again .. but I am not sure where i am going from here to there. problay web design develop or something like that.. but I will need to take a tour through the course to see if it fit my types.. enuff for now..
This mama-to-be is an accountant and she works with payrolls at the Auditor's Department for 5 1/2 years now :D
I am currently working as Supporting Staff at Mental Health for two years even I sometime work as graphic design freelancer.. I love work of art with graphic things. I also am web designer, too

Before I became a mother... I used to work as Veterinary Assistant for almost five years.... but now I am a full time mother and housewife until my little angel go to school then I ll go back to work at the veterinary hospital :D
me, full-time graphic designer for manufacturing/retail for the deaf and hard of hearing. My boss is neat deaf person. :)

I have been work for more than a year. :yipe:
Originally posted by VamPyroX
I wish I could play games for a living! :(

I remmy Nintendo were hired someone to test the video game. It would be nice...

Maybe, it's your chance to work for magazine that relation to video game that allow you to test the game before make reviews on each games. :)
Originally posted by VamPyroX
I wish I could play games for a living! :(

you can. call third party license such as Midway, Sega, and ect and ask for a job for spending hours on playing video games for beta tests. I remember I applied an appication for a video game job in New york. So, they hired me for a week when I was 14 years old. I spent hours and hours on playing a video game for 2 games a week. its fucking boring and had to write how I feel about this and how to fix this things. one day, they called me and asked me if i wanted to do it again. I todl them I am not interested.