What Do You Believe In?....

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I'm a Christian, but I am not like some who shovel bibles down people's throat. I believe in Jesus Christ, the Creator of the universe, He deserved all glory and honor because he died for our sins. ;)
Teresh said:
Protestantism isn't a religion... Actually, there's a wide variety of beliefs within it. It might be better to say if you're Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal or Lutheran instead.
But to say one is a Protestant Christian is a legitimate distinction, if vague. There all all kinds of Christians - Protestantanism being one of the three branches of Christianity. I agree - it's not very specific.
Teresh said:
Protestantism isn't a religion... Actually, there's a wide variety of beliefs within it. It might be better to say if you're Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal or Lutheran instead.
Please let's respect each others' beliefs without thinking that their way is wrong, strange or don't attack them of what they believe, but to freely be able to express and share such beliefs without having the feeling of being jumped on ...
Reba, I didn't jump on him, nor did I say his religion was wrong. I simply said that Protestantism isn't really a distinct form of Christianity. Saying you are a Protestant really doesn't say anything about your religious beliefs other than that you are Christian and are not Catholic or Orthodox. It sheds little or no light on any of your beliefs. It's just as vague as saying that you are "Pagan". Vague terms which have no established definition related to the question that was asked.
Thanks, Angel, for pointing me to this thread. :D

Hmmm.. fatwa? :lol:

I don't like labels, but I've been told by a close friend (episc priest) that my beliefs are the closest to Buddhism. We enjoy discussing theological matters, and I like that my friend is incredibly tolerant and accepting other beliefs. Hmm, I need another debating date with her again! *marks my calendar*

Myself, I am not a follower of Buddhism, but was asked to write about it here. :D... I find the subject very interesting to talk about, though!

Buddhism, or Sanskrit Buddhadharma is considered either a religion or philosophy based on teachings of Siddhartha Gautama who lived in the 5th century. It has been around for centuries, and is divided mainly into Theravada and Mahayana. I am sure there are many variations out there on Buddhism, too. Some groups don't eat meat, even, and there are different philosophies on what is taught in Buddhism, just like Christianity and all the like.

Inner peace (Nirvana?) is a goal in Buddhism - it is generally believed that having attachments hurt people. Buddhism has a bunch of guidelines or a path in how to let go of those attachments (called the Noble Eightfold Path).

Basically, in Buddhism on the path of Noble Eightfold and in the 5 Percepts, we take responsibility for ourselves by confronting some truths that some things exist and what we can do to help the situation or ourselves.. and get rid of stuff that hurt ourselves and others. This is a path to Nirvana - or inner peace, as I see it.

Four Noble Truths

1. Dukkha: All worldly life is unsatisfactory, disjointed, containing suffering.
2. Samudaya: There is a cause of suffering, which is attachment or desire (tanha) rooted in ignorance.
3. Nirodha: There is an end of suffering, which is Nirvana.
4. Magga: There is a path that leads out of suffering, known as the Noble Eightfold Path.

The Noble Eightfold Path
1. Right View - acknowledging the Four Noble Truths
2. Right Intentions - committing to the dharma and reaching nirvana
3. Right Speech - avoiding gossip, lies, and other harmful words
4. Right Conduct - living a moral life, not harming others
5. Right Livelihood - working at a job that is honest and does not take advantage of others
6. Right Effort - ending evil thoughts and replacing them with positive ones
7. Right Mindfulness - becoming aware of all mental and physical states during daily activity and meditation
8. Right Concentration - reaching the deepest states of meditation that lead to nirvana

Buddhism also have the Five Precepts, or rather... 5 Promises to ourselves to keep us from hurting ourselves and others with words or action. It's like the 10 Commandants.. Thou shalt not, etc etc. :D
1. To refrain from harming living creatures (killing).
2. To refrain from taking that which is not freely given (stealing).
3. To refrain from sexual misconduct (molesting, rape, etc).
4. To refrain from incorrect speech (lying, harsh language, slander, idle chit-chat).
5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness.

Number 5 refers to how we can easily hurt ourselves and others when we're drunk or drugged up. If one removes the "intoxicants" we wont have that chance to hurt ourselves and others in that way.

Makes sense? Please feel free to ask questions if you need clarifying :D
Beside like nirvana, or other words we don't use, but all what Buddha taught is very similar as Christ taught. Meditation and devotional/worship is the center of christians faith. But sadly, surrmountable doesn't do that, bec lot of dos and donts in their own effort instead of the Spirit leading and jump ahead what God called us to do like wait, but too many said I gotta do it now. Christian faith isn't meaning we don't sin, each of us has sins in different ways, but only different is those who are strong faith face daily battle against their flesh desires and thoughts, may are called wounded soldiers but keep the fighting with Gods might, but most give in do outside of Gods will. How we relate with people is to see Gods love thru us with 9 fruits of the Spirit like love, joy, peace, faithfulness, gentleness, meekness, self control,goodness and patience. Many christians fail some or most of those. The Word says practice godliness. Holy Spirit in us by allowing Him take control and enable us to practice, not ourselves. Bec no matter how we try without Christ in us, we are still dead in sins. And our responsibilty is not grab everyones throat to make them change or different beliefs, bec Jesus didn't do that, and so we don't do that either. Truely, we have to be cautious not to be involved called universal religions. It will happen in the end times. Key of our christians faith is LOVE. Love covers all. We cqant draw them, only God draws them thru us. Always ask the Lord what He wants u to do. Its not right a way, it takes time. All the busyness of the world killed us from cease the moment to take time with the Lord. He misses u and wants you spend time with Him.

I am muslim and proud to be. Allah is the one, the only, the enternal, the absolute. Allah does not beget nor was begotten. There is none other comparable to Allah. Angels are pure light. Jinns are created by fire, mankind are created by clay. Shaitan, "Lucifer", is a jinn. It is impossible for an angel to "fall down". Angels were created first, jinns the second, the mankind last. When Allah made mankind, he told angels and jinns to bow down and angels and jinns except some jinns didnt do so. Allah gave Ilblis, the bad leader of jinn, respite until Judgement Day. Ilblis said to Allah out of anger, hatred that Ilblis will do best to lead astray of many people he can. Since Adam and his wife, many, many people have believed in many different things caused by jinns far from Allah and his messengers (Adam, Abrahem, Moses, David, John, Jesus, many more and Mohamed is the last messenger of Allah.), his angels, the day of judgment, and Quran. May Allah guide you and bless you. :ugh3:
I Believed that GOD is dwell in flesh of MAN as remain and forever, not in heaven at all..
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