What Do You Believe In?....

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♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
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I'm curious what everyone's beliefs is, Christianity, Religion, Spiritual or Others?...Please share your beliefs or details of what sort of religion do you follow and why?....You may share any of your experiences or thoughts on this topic here, I know some of you have already described your beliefs here but I was hoping that others might step forward and share their beliefs in here also, Please let's respect each others' beliefs without thinking that their way is wrong, strange or don't attack them of what they believe, but to freely be able to express and share such beliefs without having the feeling of being jumped on ...

Thanks! :aw:
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in Jesus (the) Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

I am ordained, and am a member of the United Church of Christ.
I am Christian, of the United Methodist church.

I would consider myself "liberal" in that I accept science as a means of understanding God's creation, and in some ways I think certain of my beliefs tend towards the Anglican or Eastern Orthodox traditions more than the Protestant ones. It's hard to explain, honestly.

Take a look at a C.S. Lewis book and minus the anachronisms like his beliefs about women's roles (forgive him, he was born in 1898), you'll get a fairly good idea of what I think.
Levonian said:
I'm a Druid. I worship trees. :cool:

Interesting, why don't you tell us more about it ;)....
I'm a born again christian believer. I have received Christ as my Savior and thank the Father for the wonderful gift He has given me for eternal life and grace is sufficient and thank Him for sending Holy Spirit in me which is been sealed till the Lord comes to take me home.HOW GREAT THOU ART which is so true express to Him and surely how AMAZING GRACE it is. I'm a member of southern baptist. I am grateful what He has done. And my goal is regard of what church u go, important part is treat each other like a family for those who have Christ. Those who haven't, God's open arms is for u to come to Him. He is a Loving God who wants u to be a part and so do we. SMILE
MorriganTait said:
I thought you had been touched by His Noodly Appendage? You arn't a Pastaferian?

I belong to a radical splinter sect of Pastafarianism. But we do, of course, owe our existence to Our Noodly Master. All living creatures great and small have been touched by His noodly appendage. All hail the One True God and Lord of the Universe, forever and ever, RAmen. :bowdown:

BTW, I am deeply offended by the fact that when I was composing this post, the spell checker in MSWord choked on ‘Pastafarianism’ and suggested that I change it to ‘Rastafarianism’. I hereby decree a holy fatwa against Microsoft.
Levonian said:
BTW, I am deeply offended by the fact that when I was composing this post, the spell checker in MSWord choked on ‘Pastafarianism’ and suggested that I change it to ‘Rastafarianism’. I hereby decree a holy fatwa against Microsoft.

You should see what it suggests when you try to type c**t.
im 100% serious when i say that...i believe when we die there is nothing. we dont remember before we were born, we wont remember after we die.

if our existance continues after our death...and we are not conscious of it...are we really continuing?

that doesn't have to be a scary thing..its not for me. I wasn't scared before i was born, why should death be any different?

i live for today. I dont believe in regrets, and the future is not promised to us.
I'm neutral... I believe in Spirits. I believe there is something out there but I don't go to church. I just have a lot of faith in things, all the strength I have is there. I don't feel that I'm being punished for not going to church.
RebelGirl said:
I'm neutral... I believe in Spirits. I believe there is something out there but I don't go to church. I just have a lot of faith in things, all the strength I have is there. I don't feel that I'm being punished for not going to church.

I'm similar to your beliefs. :)
Absolute reality: There is one God. God's servants are called angels. God does not interfere with human affairs, but angels are very active in shaping the future, just as humans are. Lucifer is the darkest of all of the fallen angels, that is, of angels that refused to follow God. Yeshua of Nazareth was a revolutionary, yes, and brought about a new philosophy, but by no means was he God or the so-called Messiah.

Origin of the universe: The big bang occurred over 10 billion years ago. Earth came into existence over 4 billion years ago. Evolution by survival of the fittest has raised the homo sapiens sapien species to be the most dominant species on earth. God and his angels oversaw this process and ensured its success.

Life after death: Humans are reincarnated until they learn all of life's lessons, in which case they go to Heaven. Humans never go to Hell, as condemnation of humans would conflict with God's infinite mercy.

Reason for existence: Humans exist because they do. There is no solid reason for humans to exist. Humans must develop their own reason to exist as they live their (multiple) lives. As they move from life to life, they will find the Truth for themselves and will realise their full potential, entering Heaven when they are finished.
RebelGirl said:
I'm neutral... I believe in Spirits. I believe there is something out there but I don't go to church. I just have a lot of faith in things, all the strength I have is there. I don't feel that I'm being punished for not going to church.

Heath said:
100% Protestant Christian

Protestantism isn't a religion... Actually, there's a wide variety of beliefs within it. It might be better to say if you're Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal or Lutheran instead.
I'm Methodist and Episcopal - really, I'm a christian - rather than labelling myself as to which regilious.
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