What do with my old tty machines

I have 2 TTY machines I would like to donate, one machine is almost brand new. No deaf people in my area use TTYs anymore, the local deaf center does not want them. The deaf center told me to throw them in the trash. The machines cannot be donated to third world countries as the electronics are not compatable.
I hate to throw them away but there is no place to donate them. They are obsolete.

They are not obsolete in my area at all. While they are not the preferred method, they are still in occasional use.

Donate them to a prison that has deaf inmates. They all still use TTY and relay operators.
I have seen several listed on E-Bay which would be a way to get something out of them and get them in the hands of someone that wants one. I did just a few months ago buy a AT&T Advanced TTY 8840 (an old version of the Ultratec Uniphone 1140) as a backup and to stick on as an extension in a room that has a phone outlet that is not used often.

Why not use a TTY? I use one almost daily and find it very convenient. I have enough loss (and have for years) that I cannot understand on a phone at all - my hearing aid just makes it noise. I find VCO relay calls very useful. A Video Phone would not help me as I do not sign (besides you need someone to sign to).

In the State of Illinois (and I assume others in the US) it is particularly easy for the VCO user as there is a VCO number where when the CA comes on you are given the option of voicing the number you want or typing.
I myself use the Captel phone, but on my computer, I have a P3 which allows both TTY calls and video with text. OoVoo will allow video or text, I'm not sure about both at the same time. Skype I am not sure about either with both at the same time.

There have been times where I thought I might benefit from a TTY for my house phone.
They are not obsolete in my area at all. While they are not the preferred method, they are still in occasional use.

Donate them to a prison that has deaf inmates. They all still use TTY and relay operators.
And how do you find prisons with deaf inmates?
And how do you find prisons with deaf inmates?

Pull up the website of the prison closest to you and jot them an e-mail stating that you would like to donate a TTY and ask if they have a deaf population. If not, ask them to let you know, where in the state, the deaf prisoners are housed.
Pull up the website of the prison closest to you and jot them an e-mail stating that you would like to donate a TTY and ask if they have a deaf population. If not, ask them to let you know, where in the state, the deaf prisoners are housed.
I'd do that, but I am afraid to find out that I know them. Two deaf people I used to know are being sent up soon. One this month and one in September. :(
I'd do that, but I am afraid to find out that I know them. Two deaf people I used to know are being sent up soon. One this month and one in September. :(

Unfortunately, that is a common occurrance. However, you will not be given names of the deaf inmates, just confirming the presence. For instance, the prison in my state that houses the deaf inmate population has an entire deaf wing.
Unfortunately, that is a common occurrance. However, you will not be given names of the deaf inmates, just confirming the presence. For instance, the prison in my state that houses the deaf inmate population has an entire deaf wing.
Oh geeze. That was a depressing bit of information. :eek3:
And how do you find prisons with deaf inmates?

You could check with the State Department of Corrections and check with them. I called my local Sheriff's office and they said to call the Dept of Corrections for that info.
I used many time tty long time! I am pretty sound i am assurance I think so guess It is very pretty TTY I hope be update Sasktel I think reason issues on vp don't support to interpeter!

Sasktel support to donate on lots of free I am free lucky TTY
Oh geeze. That was a depressing bit of information. :eek3:

Deaf are actually more likely to be incarcerated for minor legal infractions than are the hearing. They also suffer unique problems in prison, the lack of accommodation being only one of the issues.

Given the way they are marginalized in society, the risk of adopting criminal behavior is increased, especially for deaf adolescent males, much the same way we see the risk increased in any other marginalized population.
I have two TTYs...oh make that three.

They are, execpt one at work, are collecting dust...
Deaf are actually more likely to be incarcerated for minor legal infractions than are the hearing. They also suffer unique problems in prison, the lack of accommodation being only one of the issues.

Given the way they are marginalized in society, the risk of adopting criminal behavior is increased, especially for deaf adolescent males, much the same way we see the risk increased in any other marginalized population.
Sounds like there is a parallel between deaf and other marginalized members of our society, like minorities for example.
Canada reason to important to service to hires strict,

I can't afford pay for Bell Canada
my client told me what is figure out long distance I am puzzled it new change Telus

must client to service name reason!
Keep as an emergency back up, also can be a collector's item someday, be worth alot of money.

Keep as an emergency back up, also can be a collector's item someday, be worth alot of money.


Also one more thing I have thought of is to donate Big TTY to the Museum in your area to show the example of what the Big TTY was like in the newspaper business, stock market and for deaf people to used for communication like telephone. It was out of style now but with the small compact TDD, it is still use for today phone. I am still using the TDD and I have no problem with relay service here. I hope I can still rely on my TDD for much longer period. :fingersx:
I Know people complaint to tty because not enough reason, I think so slow tty seems on pretty tough! TTY is very service not enough update, improve technology
As a Bell Canada customer-there is NO charge for TTY service. I have a UltraTec 1140. I still use it today since I bought it from CHS- Jan/96.( Yeah, I know I have a Cochlear Implant- doesn't work for me on regular phone. No problem- just disconnect- dial 711.)
I do have Bell Canada TeleMessage service which costs $10.95 month. All incoming calls "stored" till accessed by me through the Relay Service-then erased.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07