-nice smile
-tan skin
-natural C-D cup boobs
-nice ass
-long brunette hair
-an open minded woman....someone who can converse about anything and everything (and that includes sex)
-unselfishness and thoughtfulness go a long way.
-a woman who likes to cook and eat foods from around the world.
-excellent hygiene (smells great, washes her hair and face, brushes her teeth, shaves her legs and armpits and her cooch, basically taking the time to look good everyday)
-honestly and straightforwardness. Ironically being blunt is totally ok with me.
-someone who likes to go out and about and not be a homebody 100% of the time.
-a girl who can hold her liquor
-liking sports and understanding that if you want me to take out the trash then wait 'til halftime.
-aggressiveness. A chick who knows what she wants

-mild tempers
thats it for now....