What do Interpreter hates or like about...,


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Jan 9, 2005
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I dint know if this had been posted else where but like I said

"What do Interpreter hates or likes about...,"​

This thread can be the bad, good, funnies, not so funny so and so, experience with, without the hearing or/and Deaf people around you, rather on the job or not on the job but was pulled at the last mintues that happen to you or the clients, now let me remind you have and require obligation not to name names but fictional names.

I am SOH, and part time sub-teacher for the Deaf kids as well other activities around town. One day I was called to the police station and help them out with one of their prisoners who would not signs, talk or write. I saw someone I knew from work as teacher, she was standing and tried to tell me saying I was the only help to see what or why he couldn't understand her as I looked at him and knew that moment this prisoner is hearing but say nothing. I just want to have fun with this person because of him playing "Deaf" and stupid didn't realize I am d/Deaf as well (of course, without my hearing aids) as I walked in with the police beside me and tried to sign to him but he wouldn't look or have eyes contacts well, I walked out and told the police my ideas when going back in they too thought was good ideas and only way to get him to talk.

We walked back in and I sat down, and tapped his shoulder like Deaf people would do..., still wouldn't look at me just then the police came in and announce, "Hey guys, never mind this Mr...., is found to conflict to the murders of few people as we found his prints on the weapon..." as soon as this police finish saying weapon the prisoner jumped up and said "Hey guys, I was just playing deaf with you..., I just walked out and face this Interpreter, and said "You have violated the laws of Texas and will be reported to the authorities of giving Certifications. She no longer work in that town and the prisoner went to Huntsville, TX for 40 years before parole.

That was my experince..., What about yours?


"Any Clod can have facts, but having opinions is an art."

Charles McCabe
LoneOak said:
just walked out and face this Interpreter, and said "You have violated the laws of Texas and will be reported to the authorities of giving Certifications."

I don't understand what did she do wrong? SHe was passing out interpreter's certificates around the police station or what?

Interesting thread, altho.

On Soreson VRS, I have seen at least four interpreters that knew me personally through the public education and it was awkward since it was for a doctor's appointment! :lol: But it was MUCH easy to have interperters who know how to pronounce and spell my foreign name correctly so in a way they did assist me!
The recent incident was when I called a Greek resturant to see how long before they close (It was late) and I saw my interpreter from my highschool but he didn't recognize me at first... But I could see that he was trying to place me in his mind... with the frowning facial expressions and I felt obligated to tell him, "Hi, and yes you do know me. This is (my name)." he was like "Aha! Nice to see you again!" and continued to do his VRS job. :)
It may violate the code of ethics at the place but :shrug: it is hard to not know all deaf people if one does work as a regular interperter for some clients!!
gnarlydorkette said:
I don't understand what did she do wrong? SHe was passing out interpreter's certificates around the police station or what?

I am sorry, I wasn't clear about that issue. In State of Texas, The Interpreters are suppose to five different level of interpreting certificates. Those who have level two or under only can work like in school, where Deaf needs at work, etc., level three can interpreting in civil courts, or in some medical and level four or five can interpreter higher courts, executives, in medical fields such as there are Deaf professionals and clients that are needing of assisting in their fields.

This Interpreter did not have any interpreting certification but have the teacher special ed license or certification., she knew about this violated but took the job as "consultation or interpreter for the Deaf to enforcements" but went ahead and didn't think I would dare report to the authorities who give the levels of Interpreter certificates and I did,. She got fired, and faces some law suits from state of Texas for what she had done in the past. I have warned her many times she cannot interpreting any Deaf and must obtain the other interpreter with three or above..., this time I got her there when she couldn't get this prisoner to talk or signs, even with her special ed certification could not know if he was hearing or Deaf! (thats explain why) as for me I have the Translating for the Interpreter certification or you can say reversing. This mean When the level four or five couldn't understand the "home signs" that the Deaf kids or some Deaf people who don't uses ASL signs. I am there to assist the interpreters not to the hearing or like interpreters do.

I hope this makes sense to you and notice you are from California, perhaps you have similar regulations as Texas have?.


"Any Clod can have facts, but having opinions is an art."

Charles McCabe

Thanks for explaining. Each state has different laws for terps, so sometimes we need the explanations.
What was she thinking??

LoneOak said:
didn't think I would dare report to the authorities who give the levels of Interpreter certificates and I did,. She got fired, and faces some law suits from state of Texas for what she had done in the past. I have warned her many times she cannot interpreting any Deaf and must obtain the other interpreter with three or above..., this time I got her there when she couldn't get this prisoner to talk or signs, even with her special ed certification could not know if he was hearing or Deaf! (thats explain why) as for me I have the Translating for the Interpreter certification or you can say reversing. This mean When the level four or five couldn't understand the "home signs" that the Deaf kids or some Deaf people who don't uses ASL signs. I am there to assist the interpreters not to the hearing or like interpreters do.

I hope this makes sense to you and notice you are from California, perhaps you have similar regulations as Texas have?.

LoneOak said:
This is a new one for me. A phrase I've heard used is 'intermediate interpreter'. My ITP program has two teachers who are on the TX evaluation board and we heard PLENTY about the Code of Ethics. I can't believe that someone with only special ed cert would try to pass herself off as a terp. :confused: STUPID woman
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