What did you learn today?

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Just to let you all know, since we had floods in Queensland, Australia
In the upper north area of Queensland, they are currently facing a lethal cyclone similar to katarina the in the U.S, as it has been said to be category 5 - the cyclone will be hitting inland tonight. Note - I am not affected.

My friend who is working in Australia on an assignment posted on his FB status about this storm. Hope nobody gets hurt.
Just to let you all know, since we had floods in Queensland, Australia
In the upper north area of Queensland, they are currently facing a lethal cyclone similar to katarina the in the U.S, as it has been said to be category 5 - the cyclone will be hitting inland tonight. Note - I am not affected.

aw. hope everyone is ok over there.
Never walk away from the kitchen while bread is rising in a house with so many people. Seems, MIL thought I was supposed to be baking it (they were rising in the oven, free from drafts) and so she turned on the oven during the rising. They still smell good, did not rise as much and are a little crispier on the edges. Good hollow sound when thumping the bottom though, so they are done.
I learned that I can spend a whole afternoon re-organizing my desk to be more efficient, and STILL NOT get done! Back at it again tomorrow.
I learned that the new egg carts Tyson gave us are heavier and are one stack taller. It's a bitch moving those things when they are loaded down. I nearly filled one today and it was a workout pushing it from the gathering table to the egg room. I gotta pull it back out in the morning to put the last two flats I need on it. UGH.
My friend who is working in Australia on an assignment posted on his FB status about this storm. Hope nobody gets hurt.
According to the news this morning - So far, no reports of any death or seriously injured. And few major cities i.e Cairns has been spared with minimal damages.
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According to the news this morning - So far, no reports of any death or seriously injured. And few major cities i.e Cairns has been spared with minimal damages.

good to hear. That was a big storm.

I was reading a article earlier about the comparison to the US Katrina of 2005. Obviously there's a lot of differences, but what's striking is the death toll comparison. 0 for Australia and 1,500+ for US. Like I said, don't read a whole lot into it, but it's just sort of embarrassing we can't prepare/prevent a death toll (if it was possible?...shrug). Teach us Aussies :).
No luck so far...still working on it (the bed)...have to get a new washing machine too! And just had a huge repair bill for my car...money comes and money goes! Glad ur feeling better.

Good luck! :)
We can not have everything at once but I understand that you really need a new washing machine so bad. Everything is on sale this month. So, it's a good time to buy one.
Sorry about a huge repair bill for your car. I know it's no fun... :(
I feel better and my cough is a little better, too, with prescription medications help. Thanks.
There will be an EARLY springtime coming soon!!!!!:D
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