What did you learn today?

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I loaned my favorite hoodie to a girl at a softball tourney in January because she was freezing. She says she gave it back but it's not on my shelf of hoodies. :hmm:

Note to self......only loan out stuff you don't like

Stuff I should remember too.. :giggle: thx for the tip! :wave:
I learned, I am losing more and more of my friends. Do I care. Yes, but not enough to lose heart. It's their loss.
I also learned that I still have not found my iPod Touch. It has been missing since Monday which is the last day I remember having it in my hands. I bought it primarily to record my lectures on and to keep up with my BlackBoard School alerts while being mobile. Not happy about it, but at least it is not like having a missing phone.
I learned just as I pulled in to get Adam an ice cream (he didn't want one after all yesterday) that after 5 minutes in the truck he was sound aslep! I tried for 2 hours to get snotpot to nap!! Lol
I learned just as I pulled in to get Adam an ice cream (he didn't want one after all yesterday) that after 5 minutes in the truck he was sound aslep! I tried for 2 hours to get snotpot to nap!! Lol

problem solve is: give him a spoonful of vodka, its good to go for him to Ko'd.
I just sent WWF my picture so they could put it on a t-shirt. I even made a sad face and chewed bamboo.

I learned that my friend's store sells spice. :hmm:
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