What did you learn today?

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I have diabetes so low blood sugar can be a medical emergency if I pass out from low blood sugar. I have to keep my blood sugars from getting too high or low. Either way is bad for me. If blood sugar gets low enough, it can kill me.

Do take care of yourself and follow doctors orders.
Shel90, I hope your ex will get his just dessert someday. Yep, he is definitely an asshole with a complex. Hope your daughter will be smart enough not to learn all the bad from her dad such as not having to work when she's older coz her daddy will be there to keep her in comfort. Well, I would say be prepared for anything because money is not a guarantee.

Deakskeptic, hope your sugar level will stay at regular level from now on.

Dixie, hope your grandpa is doing better.

KristinaB, don't let the church biddies get your goat, ok? They don't know any better.

Well, I've learnt that I have to stick to my guns to learn not to spend everyday!
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deafskeptic said:
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8130/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/106)

I have a friend that saves the jelly packets from restaurants. For when her sugar drops dangerously low

My sugar packets were from a coffee store inside the Barnes and Nobles bookstore.

Lucky, you had them. Might not be a bad idea to keep a couple of packages on you. In case of emergency.
I didn't learn this today, but not long ago I learned that just because milk doesn't smell or taste bad doesn't mean that it isn't bad.
I learned that I will NEVER eat fried foods again. Man-o-man does it give me dietary problems. Glad I had something available to help.

Calvin - I promise to be on my best behavior.

deafskeptic, TXGolfer, and any others - hope you all feel better soon.

Miss D - Those church biddies now have to deal with one of the church elders. He came by today to find out what happened and will be taking this up with them. He also mentioned that the church home office is also searching for a new pastor since there have been many complaints over his 30 years at this church.

OB, LogHead, JClarke and any others - do your best while in school and best of luck to you all!!
Miss D - Those church biddies now have to deal with one of the church elders. He came by today to find out what happened and will be taking this up with them. He also mentioned that the church home office is also searching for a new pastor since there have been many complaints over his 30 years at this church.

Good to hear that this will be dealt with.
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I was sad when I found out my first grade teacher passed on quite recently. It was unexpected.

First teacher of mine to die.

But am glad she's in a better place now.
I learned saying "hey lets change the alphabet and put u and I together" is never going to work.
You walk up to a woman, say hello and look at her shirt tag. Then you say wow I would have guessed you were made in heaven. :lol: or something like that I don't remember exactly.
AllDeaf, non-mobile, is faster than using the mobile version using Opera Mini on BlackBerry... yet the opposite is true using the default browser.
You walk up to a woman, say hello and look at her shirt tag. Then you say wow I would have guessed you were made in heaven. :lol: or something like that I don't remember exactly.

Oh well how could that not work??? Will try it out tomorrow
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I learned that we will be doing injections throught the entire program each month. I am getting better at poking people, needs work giving TB shots.
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I learned that we will be doing injections throught the entire program each month. I am getting better at poking people, needs work giving TB shots.


Oceanblue, giving shots!! :lol:

So what do you guys do? Practice on each other?
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