What did you learn today?

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He was listening in. She used his cell phone and was in his office. It was before church started. He's just as bad. I will find another church.

They must have issues of their own.
Wirelessly posted

I learned Jiro got called fat :rofl:
I learned that our pastor's wife can be a real b**ch. She calls me this morning totally berating me for not being at church and saying that I need salvation especially that I am deaf. I told her to get a life and that I would be going to chuch somewhere else.

Good on you standing up for yourself, and for telling them to get lost!
I lerned that if you allow your computer to update itself overnight unsupervised it becomes self aware and hides all the files you need the next day!
I lerned that if you allow your computer to update itself overnight unsupervised it becomes self aware and hides all the files you need the next day!

:giggle: Sorry... that just reminded me of the same situation that happened to be over 4-5 years ago. Were you able to fix it or at least get some files back?
I learned that son got accepted to all of his classes for Virtual School and that he was confirmed for 9th grade. Yeah - he skipped 8th grade!! Also learned that 3 of the 4 teachers have deaf children and will be glad to get with me outside of school related issues to learn ASL sometime.
I learn that I need a vacation without my kids!..... Guess I have to wait until July 2011 that I am going to cruises at Alaska! :eek3:
I learned that the walk from my gym is only 40 mins.
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