What did you learn today?

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To never again take 100+ photos when I'm out and about. Doing all that uploading here is gonna take a while. Lesson learned.
I learned about palltellar tendons, and how devastating an injury to one can be. :shock:
I learned that playing fetch with my moms 60+ pound dog, is way different than playing fetch with Marley who weighs 4 pounds. Just about ripped my shoulder from the socket. Sweetest dog in the world though. She was super excited, so I picked up her toy rope and threw it but she had the other end in her mouth and pulled it super hard.
Our German shorthair loves to play tug of war with us, and she has amazingly strong teeth so she can really hold onto her toys, and it feels too like my arms are going to get ripped out of its sockets. She always wins. :lol:
my next grandchild due after Christmas we not sure when or sex bc adopting,grandchildren are just the best thing
I learned that certain foods I used to be able to eat are no longer suitable for me today.
Like what?

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Doritos chips, for one thing. Used to be able to eat them, but after doing so this morning, I realized I couldn't quite handle it like I used to be able to. That's probably because my taste buds are damaged from eating too much spicy stuff.
Doritos chips, for one thing. Used to be able to eat them, but after doing so this morning, I realized I couldn't quite handle it like I used to be able to. That's probably because my taste buds are damaged from eating too much spicy stuff.

that a bummer..
...never mind I will eat a cream cake for you and let you know if you enjoyed it:D
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