That the ticks are really still bad right now ! I woke up and my right ear was hurting real bad , I thought I might had slept funny last night and when I went to take a shower I saw that my ear was all red and painful to touch . A tick was right at top of ear and I couldn't get it out , I had neighbor try and he said the tick kept breaking off. I went ER to ear b/c my ear was really painful and red and thought it was infected already. I had to wait over a hour and the nurse wasn't able to get the head out of my ear . I was given some antibiotic and was told my ear could get an infection by trying to get the head out or leaving it in my ear .

The only good think about this that is my right ear and I don't wear a HA in it anymore.
I also learned that some parents aren't too bright ! There was a little boy who may have a concussion b/c he fell of his new Hoover board in the house and had no helmet on when trying to use it. The kid was lucky he didn't hit his head against a edge of a table or something .