At this point, they're recommending to leave this alone unless the bleeding gets worse. The way they explained this to us, it's different for cats than humans. They think it's unlikely the stones will get worse, and they also feel they're not causing pain. I'm not sure I'm convinced on the pain part, but time will tell. We will be watching over this. She has over-licked her belly fur for weeks now (to the point there is no fur left on her belly) which is a sign of distress or pain, so I'm not quite sure what to think. That may have been from the bladder infection, though, which is finally gone after 3 rounds of antibiotics.
Learned that there is a duck lane in London
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I learned about how bad the drought is in California. Most of the state is almost completely dry!
I've learned to... not run over pieces of wood with sharp nails pointing out while driving! had a flat tire.... and also learned I can change a tire all by myself with no help! Last 2 times I had to change a tire, I needed help cause I was a weenie!![]()
I admit I have never learned how to change a tire. I've never had a flat, at least not while driving. Came home one day years ago with a nail in one tire, but it didn't go flat until overnight so I didn't know it until the next morning. hubby changed it for me before I left for work. So I still haven't learned how ..
I may have American bull frog tadpole in my pond another escapee they becoming a nuisance,they hitching lifts on veggi fruit etc...yanky grey squirrel did for our beautiful and if I must say superior red and now yanky bull frog which ugliest thing ever seen in my pond....I not happy seeing that
I just received the invitation to the first out of state wedding we are going to. I'm kind of ticked off because it states "black tie". We just bought two new suits for my husband. I think when you send out the save the date cards it should let people know then if it is formal or not.