What did you learn today?

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That the dogs will hide cat toys. :lol: found a handful in the dog blanket.
That despite my best efforts, finding a new place to live in Chicago is far, far harder than I thought it would be. Prices are far outside my price range, and there is a possibility I may have to move to the suburban areas, where the rent is far cheaper. Only problem is, my staff's service area is limited to Chicago only :|

And the suburbs? Much higher than some of the neighborhoods in Chicago. In fact, there's one going for $13,500/month. :eek2: NO THANKS!!

Looking for a new place to live is a lot of work , can you get a new staff if move out of Chicago ? You would need a new username. :giggle:
Today I learned that I have progressively have become my mother.. anxious twit when the husband is driving on I-95 in the wet weather along with the treacherous stops of the 18 wheelers enmass with the cars. EEEEEEEeeeeeeeKKKKKKK~!
Looking for a new place to live is a lot of work , can you get a new staff if move out of Chicago ? You would need a new username. :giggle:

Well, the really odd thing is, the cheapest place anywhere near here is............ Wrigleyfield. And no, I'm not about to live in the shadows of Wrigley Field, before anyone asks. And as for my username, it stays. I like it too much to change it now.

I'll keep looking, but it won't be easy, though, with limited resources and very bad Internet reception.
I've learned that my grandma (mom's side) has passed away this morning (Korea time). My mom just informed me that she died peacefully of old age. She was 92 years old. I had not seen her or any of my relatives for over 20 years but I do have a full of fondful memories of my time with her. She was like what everybody's grandmas are like - always pampering you, cheerful, and pinching your cheeks.

I just informed my cousin in California about it. She too had not seen her or any relatives for over 30 years. We talked for a while. I just found out that she has not spoken to her sister for years and couple years ago when my mom finally contacted my aunt, she was not even aware that grandma was still alive. We do indeed live a rather lonesome life here in America because all of our relatives from our sides are in Korea. now I have no grandparents left from both sides.

oh well.... life goes on..... I look forward to seeing my cousin next year because I have not met her 2 kids (1st cousin, once removed) yet...
I've learned that my grandma (mom's side) has passed away this morning (Korea time). My mom just informed me that she died peacefully of old age. She was 92 years old. I had not seen her or any of my relatives for over 20 years but I do have a full of fondful memories of my time with her. She was like what everybody's grandmas are like - always pampering you, cheerful, and pinching your cheeks.

I just informed my cousin in California about it. She too had not seen her or any relatives for over 30 years. We talked for a while. I just found out that she has not spoken to her sister for years and couple years ago when my mom finally contacted my aunt, she was not even aware that grandma was still alive. We do indeed live a rather lonesome life here in America because all of our relatives from our sides are in Korea. now I have no grandparents left from both sides.

oh well.... life goes on..... I look forward to seeing my cousin next year because I have not met her 2 kids (1st cousin, once removed) yet...

I am sorry about the loss of your
Jiro, so sorry to hear about your grandma. I lost all my grandparents when I was still very young, and still think of them often to this day. :hug:

Sorry to hear about your grandma, and may her be rest in peace.

hope your reunion with cousin is going to be a bonus good vibes.
My condolences on the passing of your grandma. I loved your warm description of your time with her in the past, that probably gave fond memories to many of their grandmas.
That there are certain areas I shouldn't be ridning during the winter. :|
That driving 15 minutes out of my way this morning to tackle another post office was a good choice. I was the only one in line whereas yesterday there were about 50 people ahead of me at my local post office. Pays to know where the quiet ones are! :)
Jiro, I'm sorry for your loss. :(
Jiro, I'm sorry to learn of your loss as well. May you always cherish the memories you have with her.
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