What did you learn today? Part II

DS - I hope all goes well for your father.

Travis - I know you will get those next 61 posts to hit 10,000.

I learned that my neighbor's dog died this past Monday. He was 17 and his little body just couldn't take it anymore. He was a miniature Yorkshire Terrier.
RIP Barron.

Wirelessly posted

I learned cow tales is not an addiction, it's a lifestyle! Love that quote!
Wirelessly posted (droid)

That's right, you evil she-woman! You scare me! lol
Seriously, don't worry about what other people think. You have many people who know you well and care about you. Those are the people who count. We think you're swell. :)
I learned people who tell a lie think if they just repeat it, no one will question it.
I learned people who tell a lie think if they just repeat it, no one will question it.

I have a co-worker like that. Thing is, he gets caught every single time and still he does it. What goes on in a mind like that??? :shock:
I have a co-worker like that. Thing is, he gets caught every single time and still he does it. What goes on in a mind like that??? :shock:

I can think of a certain poster who's like that. I haven't seen him in while though.
I have a co-worker like that. Thing is, he gets caught every single time and still he does it. What goes on in a mind like that??? :shock:

I don't think Kristina is a liar. If she was wrong, it's more likely she's mistaken.
You're not talking about me are you?? :shock:

Oh man! Did I just give myself away? That's not good! :hmm: :giggle:

Oh, no not at all. I didn't have you in mind at all. :D

I had in mind a certain poster who's infamous for his fixation on Obama. Beowulf once said of him that he has only one thought when it comes to Obama: obama bad Obama bad with no other variations.
I am so sorry about this, but man oh man!! I see your name, then the fact that you say you are "fixed" and my mind goes, but wait!!! That should hurt.

I'm not even gonna say what was first thought I had but I do have to wonder what she meant by that.