What did you learn today? Part II

Nothing to be ashamed of. An interesting case... my father is left handed... but he does quite a few things right handed including bowling. He once told me that he knew he COULD bowl left handed but for some reason his brain just didn't know what to do and couldn't picture it. It's the same thing with sign- he fingerspells with his right hand rather than his left... but writes with his left... go figure.

My family is full of people with slightly atypical brains lol.
I like your family. The more eccentric, the better. :)
That made me Lol. Thanks!

For those of you with multiple pairs of readers, your favorite pair that you are looking for is, ahem..*points* sitting on the top of your head.

Hahahahaha! I was looking for my cochlear implant the other day, and it was on my head! But, I've only had it a little over a month, so I've not quite gotten used to it.
Nothing to be ashamed of. An interesting case... my father is left handed... but he does quite a few things right handed including bowling. He once told me that he knew he COULD bowl left handed but for some reason his brain just didn't know what to do and couldn't picture it. It's the same thing with sign- he fingerspells with his right hand rather than his left... but writes with his left... go figure.

My family is full of people with slightly atypical brains lol.

One of my grown sons uses both hands equally. I am amazed at that. :)
One of my grown sons uses both hands equally. I am amazed at that. :)


My grandfather was... but not by choice. He was originally left handed but as a school boy was forced to learn right handed. He could still write with both hands as far as I know/remember.

My grandfather was... but not by choice. He was originally left handed but as a school boy was forced to learn right handed. He could still write with both hands as far as I know/remember.

I am kinda semi-ambidextrous. Have always written right handed but never developed the speed that some do and it was a problem with learning shorthand in high school. Essential tremor showed up years later and may have been an unknown factor years before as I did have some tremor at times. I am inclined to use the right hand for a number of other things as well.

Many years ago I went to running a ten key adding machine left handed because of convenience caused by where an extension had been put on my desk at work. It turned out to be helpful also by not having to put a pencil or pen down to write answers in ledger. (A coworker that was left handed to just the opposite.)

I put makeup on with a combination of some with right hand and some with left.

I will hold a drink with either hand.
I have learned someone broke into my SUV this morning. I suspect they were searching for drugs. My jumpers, coins, bluetooth, chargers and sunglasses are there.
I have learned someone broke into my SUV this morning. I suspect they were searching for drugs. My jumpers, coins, bluetooth, chargers and sunglasses are there.
Not good. File a police report?
I have learned someone broke into my SUV this morning. I suspect they were searching for drugs. My jumpers, coins, bluetooth, chargers and sunglasses are there.

Was it unlocked? How did you decide that it had been broken into if nothing was taken and no damage?
Was it unlocked? How did you decide that it had been broken into if nothing was taken and no damage?

Console sunglasses door opened. Upper and lower Glove compartments opened. All of them were empty. One sunglasses was laid on the drivers seat. Another one was on the floor. The papers were everywhere. I am sure it was unlocked because I gathered grocery bags and took my kid to home and probably forgot to lock it. I am positive it was a quick search because I don't think a guy searched the whole SUV. It was like he opened the drivers door and leaned further and opened all of the doors. I don't know why he's got a beef with sunglasses. He threw them away as if he hates them. We have way too many sunglasses in SUV. It might be why it pissed him off. *shrugs*

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