In my area purple hair <hair of various non-traditional colors> is not a new thing- was pretty common when I went to high school in the 90's.
I recently added some color to my hair and there was some purple and some red I had them put in....streaks or section , not fully any one color.
yeah I like sometimes to try different things.
Don't know if your boss would care - it'd be cool if s/he didn't, I've had bosses that I know wouldn't care - but my guess is for official-ness <interpreting> colored hair technically isn't recommended.
Oh, Angel, I'm sorry. What a pain to have to deal with that. Hugs.
I learned that the strange man that has shown up at my house three different times is trying to serve me a subpoena. This has to do with the car accident I was involved in a year and a half ago. Not sure which insurance side this is for but I do know that my insurance company has not been paid any funds. The other driver was totally at fault, written up as such in the police report and she was also ticketed. Her insurance turned down my claim for medical damages and stated I must sue them. She friggin totalled my car and her own when she rear ended me between 35-40mph. She never had a chance to slam on her breaks. If this ever happens again, I will lawyer up big time. I'm still in physical therapy for my neck issues.
I learned that a guy I used to date is living with the mother of his two babies (2 year old and newborn) and his lover who also lives with them. So glad that I didnt end up with him!
That's an interesting triangle. One that usually never works out well!
I learned I'll have to get used to the bright white paint on our new AD home for now.
*puts on sunglasses*
I learned about this new forum.
I used bright version of AD forum since I joined in 2005.