What did you eat for breakfast this Morning ?

How many can you stuff into a Barbie backpack? Is there enough room for the milk too?
boiled tea-eggs. It was delicious.
And other chinese traditional food.
My typical breakfast consists of a bowl of coffee (French style, but from Vietnamese coffee), alongside with bread or rolls (with jam or PB or nutella, whatever I feel like) and yogurt. Normally, I would love to have croissants, or cold cuts, but I am the only one in the household who eats that. So, I don't generally buy the cold cuts. The croissants sucks in the stores, the best ones are in France!

Check this link to see the picture of what a typical French breakfast looks like.
K75, your link is not working.

I eat musli with plain yoghurt or whole grain cereal with milk before go to work and then get cup of black coffee straight way at workplace.

During weekends, we eat toasts, mixed rolls, butter & homemade jams/jellies, cheese... fresh pineapple... boiled eggs... coffee and milkshake for my boys...together.
huch, it works for me. I wonder why it isnt working for you. Oh well.
Did you click on it?

You and I eat similar breakfast, but I eat it everyday, ha ha... I don't like cereal, but if I had to choose, I would eat müseli too.
Don't eat breakfast very often..But did this morning..Had 2 Sausage, egg, & cheese biscuit
Shhh.. don't tell my daughters.. I had popcorn and soda for breakfast in my office :giggle:


Back on topic:

I don't eat breakfast often, I'm not really a breakfast person unless my friends go out to breakfast I would go with them and eat, but not at home. ;)
huch, it works for me. I wonder why it isnt working for you. Oh well.
Did you click on it?

You and I eat similar breakfast, but I eat it everyday, ha ha... I don't like cereal, but if I had to choose, I would eat müseli too.

I clicked your link few times at work... Now I´m home and tried again... working!!! :ugh3: Oh yes, it´s french breakfast... I love that crocisants... unfortunlately it´s calories bomb...:pissed: :D

cereal mmmhhhh I love museli with plain yoghurt, not milk... cereal with milk yes.
i do eat breakfast.. I had a bowl of Yogurt Burst Cheerios and coffee.. :)

other times eat eggs, sausage or bacon, biscuit or toast.. or pancake with sausage.. french toast .. yummy! :)
I had a cup of coffee with peppermint mocha flavor and I had kashi cereal with soymilk for breakfast.
pine orange fruit drink, cereal of corn flakes, toast with vegemite and coffee!
I ate my dog, Menchi, and some scrambled eggs. The eggs were good, but Menchi made a big mess before finally dying. A bit irritating.
This morning, I had a PB&J, but during the week, I have cereal, depends what I am in the mood for and if I have time. If I am in a hurry, then I have a pop-tart.
I drink tazo chai frap creme every morning. i love to eat breakfast burritos. Organic cereal i eat wheat alot. my waist loses one inch recently! i realized my 38 size jean is toooo loosen!
this topic is really dumb and random.

you guys must be so bored to reply to this, especially you CRUX!

yayyy! this is my 50th post!!

celebration time! WHOOT!
