What did you do today?

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went to school, got my hair re-dyed, picked up my kids from school and did pinch day activities, now I should be getting ready for my trip early early morning saturday but I am sitting here on AD lol
Went on the bus with my daughter to a restaurant. Saint Patrick's day was better than I thought it would be.

Got to use my new backpack and flasher. :)
Walked around NYC today with a friend, went to MoMA and Empire State Building.

Feet are very sore after 3 days in NYC... Had fun though!
So far today, I have had the Expedition towed to the repair shop and then picked it up after it was fixed. (Fuel pump, fuel filter and some screen) Made 2 trips to WalMart. Picked up pictures from film that we found from our move up here, morning of FIL's funeral, and from family reunion last April. Also found out that my car will need service. Something about a boot at the front passenger side axle breaking. Next week we will do that and get the A/C fixed on the Expedition.
Went to work, then took my DD to softball practice. I took her out to eat at Subway - her choice.
Recovered from an O'Hangover. Aye, an ache of the O'Head it was indeed.
What have I done today: got out of bed. ate breakfast, read the Toronto Star and turned this computer on! Exhausting day so far!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Driving my friend to Suffolk and showing her around some more. Also taking her to try out world famous bagels and I know she will LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
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I went to my morning zumba class and sweat so much!
Went to work at my 2nd job...took my client to a park with a hiking path that is about 4 miles long...went for a walk/hike on that path. Now, we are at the library. Using the computer at the library while my client does some reading. Feeling so sore since it was the first time I did exercise with my new Shape-Ups.
We went to Walmart, and I bought shorts and a t-shirt in optimism that summer will eventually arrive. Socks for my husband, and Dingo bones for the dog.

We ran out last night, and my husband texted that at least we had beef jerky in the top shelf of a kitchen cupboard. I did manage to find and retrieve, but I had a disappointed pack of hounds last night.

Today should be great, March Madness for me and rawhide for my companions. It doesn't get much better.
Just finish 6 trucks load of mulch around the yard. Groan... my back hurt, my knees all stiff. It's more like a spring quick jump start on my muscle.
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I went to trim my hair it looks better.
Got out the newly sharpened chain saw and went to work on the dead branches piled up behind the shed. Next weekend I'll tackle the ones under the pine tree. Hopefully will get them all done before its time to start "normal" yard work.
My SO and I went to visit my folks. My dad is sick, which is not good since he just had surgery the earlier part of the week. I'm staying on top of this so he doesn't get worse because the last thing he needs now is an infection or fever with an open wound. :( After that we went shopping. Just got home. Happy Saturday, everyone!
Got home from Vail and Blackhawk. Stayed in a very nice condo in Vail, and Black hawk.

The cost of the vacation?? Minus $800. Yeeehaw, I got paid.
I've been all over Canberra today and even have not laid a finger on my computer since friday (today's sunday evening) until a hour ago....also was exhausted last night.
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