What did you do today?

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grrr It is cold is very suck bad weather I wish summer :lol:
Let's see, I woke up to rain which was kinda depressing haha. I picked up my prescription for Prednosone (having troubles with my asthma from being sick last week) which is probably going to make me hungry and hyper haha. Then I came home, studied for a Anatomy exam I have tomorrow and ate a parfait (spelling?). Playing Xbox for a little while (Battlefield: Bad Company 2), then I have to get ready to go out to Karaoke with my parents, and then to work at the nightclub at 9 pm. Busy day.
Let's see, I woke up to rain which was kinda depressing haha. I picked up my prescription for Prednosone (having troubles with my asthma from being sick last week) which is probably going to make me hungry and hyper haha. Then I came home, studied for a Anatomy exam I have tomorrow and ate a parfait (spelling?). Playing Xbox for a little while (Battlefield: Bad Company 2), then I have to get ready to go out to Karaoke with my parents, and then to work at the nightclub at 9 pm. Busy day.
that is not good terrible!
Hear that we might be invading Libya too? hmmmm

1). Get American diplomats/citizens out. As of today this is done.

2) lobby UN and/or NATO... Sanctions? No...it is more of a genocide; if "proper" reconciling of grievances doesnt occur, it'll become more violent > this sparks a militaristic invasion; main supporters of this or the most to lose in this destabilized Libya is Europe so they'll be pushing military intervention more than the Americans. Americans are more trigger-happy/prepared to invade than Europeans in the sense of monies towards that kind of military function. So my money is on a UN or NATO based force invasion - Iraq-style war/government propping.

3) hope for the best
Weird day for me today. Got hubby up as usual and did the cat chores. Mother did not get up until 11, so I waited breakfast for her. I misunderstood her last night. She wanted me to wake her and not let her sleep late, and I understood her to say she wanted to sleep late. Ah well. After that, Son & I went to bank, to cash check, then to GameStop (no money changed hands). Came home, hubby got off early, so we went to do a refinance of a loan. I have read 2 1/2 books today and am finishing the 3rd one while hubby has MIL at her accountant for her taxes. We are so bad financially that I have sunk into a minor depression, but I will not bore people with the details. I have been told to vegetate and relax, then fix dinner and vegetate more.
Came home early today. Feeling blah and have a stiff neck (no, not bad enough to think it's meningitis). Took a nap Now just vegging in bed watching the news, surfing the web. Should get up and get the heating pad.
grr I wish be pop again I won beat to you I am strong smile :D
too bad I am very pretty patient netural :lol: whistle
Lots of moping around. Doesn't get a person anywhere, so it's not advisable. Lack of food is giving me a headache and I hope to rectify that situation with dinner tonight.
working today until 3PM and then going to a friend's for a little get together. I am at the public library with my clients and using a library computer for the first time in my life. This is really cool. Also, got myself a library card and going to check out a few books. Looking forward to reading them at bed. :)
Scratching my head. It snowed last night and today the temps are in the low thirties. In two days they will jump to the low sixties. Wondering whether to whip the sky with my belt.

Looks like March will go in like a lion.
Wirelessly posted

I did Zumba class, went to get some healthy snacks for tomorrow (all day Zumba), washed up, cooked eggs to eat with my raisin bran muffin and laundry.
I fell off the slats at work and rolled my ankle pretty good. It's swollen and turning blue, but I have it wrapped in a sports bandage for now. But man it hurts like a bitch.
Ice. I know it is no fun, but it can help.
So far very little, besides eat a turkey sandwich and a slice of pizza. My husband and daughter watched to Food Channel, while I played a video game and made a short video .

Later out to eat with a family group.

Made my netbook into a bedtime reader. There are about ten words per screen since it is so small and I use large print. Still waiting and sAving for Kindle.
Went swimming at Main Centre and pretended I was chasing Travis in the purple swim suit. Only problem- he stopped after 5 laps-worn out! Some claim about BEING "very old"!

Thanks Bottesini:is SLACKER IS THE RIGHT WORD?
Played online free slots, cat-opoly, and read part of my book.
Got home late from work last night (3 am), got up early this morning to take a makeup Anatomy exam... Then came back, went back to bed... Slept in way too late... Now getting ready to go in to work at the night club!
I drove for 3hours on an icy curvy road.... at 1:00 am... because someone cried wolf
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