What did you do today?

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Shel - just need to relearn how to develop a thick skin for some of the comments I have been reading here on AD. I have to learn not to take it to heart and for me that is hard. Am doing a little better.
Shel - just need to relearn how to develop a thick skin for some of the comments I have been reading here on AD. I have to learn not to take it to heart and for me that is hard. Am doing a little better.

I havent been on AD that much lately so I am totally clueless about what has been happening. Hope they werent directed at you. :hug:
I havent been on AD that much lately so I am totally clueless about what has been happening. Hope they werent directed at you. :hug:

One was, but I am not too hurt by it. The other just had me confused, but then again, that's nothing new. I think my moods are really off since I read a massive tear-jerker of a book today.
Went to work, took my DD to swimming lessons, went back to work, got new tires on my truck, went back to work again, went and got BBQ for the rest of the family. Came home, talked to a friend over the phone, gave my DD a bath, she's in bed now and now I am here.
I had the evening to myself (gf had work plans) and my mom was at some workout thingy, so I went over, helped my dad wash his car and then ordered calzones from Deweys and drank a bottle of wine while hanging out for a few hours.
Fixed the garland lights I have above my cabinets. (No, it's not christmas! it's decorative. you have to see it to understand it. :) It got fried in the latest storm so I had to re-string the lights.)
Bought new charcoal for my grill as I was not happy with the Wal-Mart brand, some wood chips, cherry and apple, and grill chimney. Put some navy beans and veggies in crockpot to make a soup to use for the next few weeks, cleaned the oven and I will be mopping the kitchen floor before I got to bed tonight.
Read a book, went to farmer's market and Whole Foods. Spoke to 2 really nice people about dairy free cheese and tried one on recommendation (it's great!), then went to Walmart and Walgreens. Fixed dinner and will be going for a walk in a few minutes.
We have a grill chimney too. My husband used the Walmart charcoal to grill and he thought it worked fine. So I guess we will watch and see if the whole bag is good.
I need to get a new grill chimney. Ours was lost in the move from Missouri. I think it was left with the 3 grills we gave away.
I learn it control patient strong my focus mind peace wise yoga or reading good
I am very rest lots of hard work study book good idea I think so figure my brain!
I rescued an injured squirrel when I got home from work. Poor thing was soaking wet (we had T/S's earlier) and was hiding (or trying to) behind a board in my carport. I called my vet to find out where I could take it. They gave me a number to call.
Once I verified I had somewhere to take it I went out with heavy gloves and found it had dragged itself into my flowerbed. I was able to catch it and put it in my cat carrier...but it did bite me hard enough for me to feel through the gloves...but the gloves kept it from breaking skin.
I don't know if they'll be able to save it as it could not use on its hind legs. :(
At least I'll know it had a quick death if they have to put it down.

I also gave a small donation to the people who operate this wildlife rescue from their home.
I rescued an injured squirrel when I got home from work. Poor thing was soaking wet (we had T/S's earlier) and was hiding (or trying to) behind a board in my carport. I called my vet to find out where I could take it. They gave me a number to call.
Once I verified I had somewhere to take it I went out with heavy gloves and found it had dragged itself into my flowerbed. I was able to catch it and put it in my cat carrier...but it did bite me hard enough for me to feel through the gloves...but the gloves kept it from breaking skin.
I don't know if they'll be able to save it as it could not use on its hind legs. :(
At least I'll know it had a quick death if they have to put it down.

I also gave a small donation to the people who operate this wildlife rescue from their home.

I am not liking the issue with the squirrel, but I am really liking what you did. :hug:
I went back to jury duty today. I do not need to go to back for a number of years now.
Last day of work for the summer!!!!!!!!!!! Wwwoootttt!
Today - all day of packing up and moving to my apt...
Tomorrow - all day of unpacking and cleaning...
Tuesday - mattress and Verizon guy will come

Went to family birthday party. Then off to the horse races. What a fun day this was!
I watched the Cubs lose to Yankees,today on t.v. but that is ok b/c we beat them yesterday. Hope we take the series,tomorrow night. CC Sabathia is pitching.Booo!
Fixed the garland lights I have above my cabinets. (No, it's not christmas! it's decorative. you have to see it to understand it. :) It got fried in the latest storm so I had to re-string the lights.)

Love those little lights....have some with cherries in my kitchen...and also, I have a fake Ficus tree that I strung some white Xmas lights on, and we loved it so much, we never took them down! Sometimes, we cut off all the lamp lights and leave on the Xmas white lights and watch TV...it's a warm feeling.
I did a random act of boredom. Out of sheer nuttiness and goofdom, I figured out why the dude in Edvard Munch's painting was screaming. For the uninitiated, here is a lithograph of his painting, the title is called "The Scream". A simple title really, until you ask yourself "Why is that dude screaming?":


That question has haunted many observers of this masterpeice since 1895. Many have looked intently as to see if there is any hint as to why there is a random guy screaming his head off. That is ... until I figured it out. Here is my illustration, I couldn't place my finger on it until a couple of days ago:


The couple in the background? They are not screaming because they have ice cream.

Yeah yeah ... I know, the secret is finally out. Its gotta be worth a .... gazillion ... maybe?

Yours for absolutely free ;)
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