What did you do today?

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I worked. napped. flirted with this girl. and did my tax at mediocre pace.
Went to a GameStop an hour from here so son could buy an Action Replay for his Nintendo DSi XL. Then after lunch, I took MIL to the tag office and had to wait 3 hours. There were a lot of people there and we got slammed with a massive thunderstorm that knocked out the power for a good 45 minutes. 3 cars in parking lot got damaged due to the winds blowing crap around. Luckily, my car did not get hit with anything.
Went to a GameStop an hour from here so son could buy an Action Replay for his Nintendo DSi XL. Then after lunch, I took MIL to the tag office and had to wait 3 hours. There were a lot of people there and we got slammed with a massive thunderstorm that knocked out the power for a good 45 minutes. 3 cars in parking lot got damaged due to the winds blowing crap around. Luckily, my car did not get hit with anything.

Sounds like you had quite an ordreal!
Mourned at the ugliness in my front yard. This is the in-between season I hate, between winter with beautiful snow and spring with lush grass. It's just dead (dormant) grass chock-full of ugly leaves. Hurry up, rain !!


Airplane has those as with birds and fowl of the air. :lol:

You can't say 'sprinter' either. That's someone that runs a distance of 400m or less in a footrace.
I went to work, after , did a freelance job :)
Slogged it out in the gym. Feels better physically and mentally.

Spent some time talking online and am now compiling an email to a friend.

Think I'll hit the gym again soon.
I woke up this morning and all I wanted to do today is to stay in bed and read my book. I dont want to go to work!
Just cut up some onions, carrots, potatoes and browned my rump roast and I will be
starting my crockpot in a few mintiues and dinner should be ready around six tonight.

Once I start crockpot, I will get started on my lunch which will be pasta salad. It's bow pasta with kalmata olives, shallots and spinach.

I will be seeing my cardiologist later today and I will know for sure if I will need surgery for my leg later today.
Just cut up some onions, carrots, potatoes and browned my rump roast and I will be
starting my crockpot in a few mintiues and dinner should be ready around six tonight.

Once I start crockpot, I will get started on my lunch which will be pasta salad. It's bow pasta with kalmata olives, shallots and spinach.

I will be seeing my cardiologist later today and I will know for sure if I will need surgery for my leg later today.

Good luck. I hope it gets fixed one way or another. :fingersx:
Already finished with first gathering and first round with the St. Bernard. The eggs were good and the dog is catching on quickly. Another 3-4 days fine tuning 'sit' and we will move on to the next command - 'here'. I will integrate them both into the next few sessions to work on 'sit' and introduce 'here' simultaneously. We've also improved a great deal on the jumping although it is not completely nipped just yet. She's also learning 'no' a lot. :giggle:
Grocery shopping. UGH! Should have waited til the kids got home to help me unload. :giggle:
Just what a good long suffering wife does on her husband's day off. Bought boards at Home Depot. He is now happily building fences.
Did my PT early this morning and then went to the gym for some nice cardio since cannot do some other stuff yet.
Yeah what happened to you? Did you give a patient a dose of Narcan and they nailed you to the wall once it took effect?
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