What did I do today?
12:01AM - Saw "Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"
3ish AM - Drove home after many cars had cleared out of the parking lot.
4 AM - Looking for parking spot and wound up parking in the back.
4:30AM - Finally read the comic based on the movie, I know it was late but I was curious on what had been said so I got more idea of what happened in the movie. heh
5 AM - Lightning and Thunderstorm. Tried to sleep through that.
1PM - Got up, groggly and got dressed.
2PM - 430PM - Got things together, set VCR to tape tonight shows, check emails, job sites online, making phone calls, chatting to few people.
4:30PM - Walked to el train to head downtown.
5:00PM - Had dinner at Corner Bakery.
5:55PM - Walked to Grad School
6PM - Class start
7PM - Class break
8PM - Class dismissed
8:15pm - Got on train station and wait for train to head home.
9:15pm - Got home and sat down.
9:30pm - Chatted with people online, aim, etc and emails.
Is that detailed enough?