What did you do today? Part II

Migraines are awful. Thank god it's been quite awhile since I had one. Apparently I had a really bad one in ICU but I have no memory of that.
What makes me so sad is my 22 year old daughter gets them quite frequently. I'm afraid I passed them on.
I took a class about migraines in school. Pharmacy school. Some big triggers are cheese, (cheetah), salami, and red wine. There are more but these are the big ones. I hope all migraine sufferers have a headache free new year.

I get them once a week now. A huge improvement. But the really bad ones I don't have much memory of. I still get those once every 2 or 3 month now (used to be 3 or 4 times a week for the bad ones).
Went to Target and bought a new electric kettle, an immersion blender, Christmas treats for the dogs (SO cute - and 70% off!), and the new "Vogue Knitting." I am inspired! Lots of beautiful things for myself, and I might even get a head-start on next Christmas.
Sorry cheetah

For me it was migraines. I was having the normal migraines and the painless kind. I had to learn the symptoms of a painless migraines so I could attack those as well as the painful ones. Unfortunately each person experiences different symptoms.

Cheetah I'm sorry, I said cheese for you. I mis quoted can't see crap with these glasses. I'm glad your back to your funny self.
Suffering from migrianes is definitely no fun at all. I used to get them maybe once or twice a year...now, it is like every 3 months. :(

Went to Target and bought a new electric kettle, an immersion blender, Christmas treats for the dogs (SO cute - and 70% off!), and the new "Vogue Knitting." I am inspired! Lots of beautiful things for myself, and I might even get a head-start on next Christmas.

You do so much, makes me tired. You inspire me to be better, thinking of next Christmas. WOW
I was today sometimes on relax on balance on watch on movies laugh funny :lol:
I stripped off the first couple layers of paint from a nice antique dress/armoire I bought off Craigslist. I will strip down to the first original layer of paint and if I like shabby chic look, I will keep it like that. If not, It's going to be painted lilac and then distressed and antiqued to look like an antique again. Fun project.
I stripped off the first couple layers of paint from a nice antique dress/armoire I bought off Craigslist. I will strip down to the first original layer of paint and if I like shabby chic look, I will keep it like that. If not, It's going to be painted lilac and then distressed and antiqued to look like an antique again. Fun project.

Take pic? I took pics of my project and posted it on FB...I love the feeling of accomplishment when it is all done. I am sure your project will have amazing results!
Take pic? I took pics of my project and posted it on FB...I love the feeling of accomplishment when it is all done. I am sure your project will have amazing results!

Good idea. I'll do that tomorrow. :)
Well - took hubby his lunch since I had forgotten to make his salad. Got the QuitClaim Deed made up,then later made a run to the title company to pick up the loan check and have MIL's signature notarized on the QuitClaim Deed.. YES!!!! We finally got the loan money for the house!!!!!, then we went to the bank to open the new account for that money. MIL then had to go get something to eat, so she, hubby & I went to Denny's, she and hubby ate, I read a book. Came home, spoke with contractor for a short time, then went to WalMart. Got home fixed dinner.
Well - took hubby his lunch since I had forgotten to make his salad. Got the QuitClaim Deed made up,then later made a run to the title company to pick up the loan check and have MIL's signature notarized on the QuitClaim Deed.. YES!!!! We finally got the loan money for the house!!!!!, then we went to the bank to open the new account for that money. MIL then had to go get something to eat, so she, hubby & I went to Denny's, she and hubby ate, I read a book. Came home, spoke with contractor for a short time, then went to WalMart. Got home fixed dinner.

Your happiness begins soon!
Wednesday, I will get to pay for the building permit, then we will get it soon after. Contractor will be starting some on Tuesday and begin so preliminary stuff that he can do without the building permit until we get that. Then it, septic tank and water, then concrete. We will have a week or so to get the lawn equipment out to storage and then MIL will pay someone to do the yard during the construction. Have to go to the Post Office on Tuesday to get the addresses changed. After 50 years, MIL has to change her house number. Oy Vey!!!!
I do nothing tonight. Feet freezing, starving...but too lazy get blanket or food...ah well. :)