What did you do today? Part II

I made a trip to the bank, then took hubby his lunch. Came home and lazed around for a short time. Took MIL to the dermatologist then she bought me lunch. Came home lazed about some more. Met with the contractor and then let son cook dinner while I lazed about some more. Son & I then watched 1 DVD for season 1 of Stargate SG-1 again. We are starting the series again as we really like it.
I am busy lots of project pretty work hard! I am high fever avoid sweet :lol I addiction sugar :lol: face epic no way i avoid on candy impossible stranger!
Went to Cochlear Implant exercise-last night at Old Mill/Toronto. Place was packed! Lots of Latin American/Swing & Rock & Roll music to " practice dances".
Doing school with the kids. After lunch we will go shopping so they can use their gift cards, and money they got for Christmas. Later I will go to work.
Staying at home and playing The Angry Birds game on my tablet. I love being off!
sound great I have disable SIAD :P 0.0 increase on my fincial OMG fund on my finacincal I am surprised highly rate!
Today is a very slow day at work so am breaking rule and am reading AD and catching up on news.
Today I fell down. Hard. This time in my living room. I have mashed up my right knee and ankle quite a bit. The knee is actually bleeding even though I had long pants on.

Further safety precautions are being taken with more clear space and clutter going to the storeroom.

I'm sad as even when I am aware that it might happen, I don't have control to stop it.
Today I fell down. Hard. This time in my living room. I have mashed up my right knee and ankle quite a bit. The knee is actually bleeding even though I had long pants on.

Further safety precautions are being taken with more clear space and clutter going to the storeroom.

I'm sad as even when I am aware that it might happen, I don't have control to stop it.

I'm sorry

Today I fell down. Hard. This time in my living room. I have mashed up my right knee and ankle quite a bit. The knee is actually bleeding even though I had long pants on.

Further safety precautions are being taken with more clear space and clutter going to the storeroom.

I'm sad as even when I am aware that it might happen, I don't have control to stop it.

Hooe your OK!!!:angel:
You should use some ice on your knee to prevent the swollen immediately. I'm sorry that it happened to you. It's a good thing that you wore long pants that would less deep cut. You know what I mean.

Actually, five days ago, I was in the basement and it was kind of dark in the room. There was a shovel that hang on the wall right near the back door's edge. The door knocked off the shovel when I opened the door. The shovel landed straight down on my finger. The shovel's blade spooned out my working glove like a knife. My skin peeled off pretty deep that bleed a lot about a half inch wide cut. I put the big band-aids on my finger seven times a day. Many times with peroxide hydrogen on it. The bleed stopped slowly for four days. Now, it is almost healed. I'm glad that I wore my gloves instead of going to the hospital and a few thousand of dollars fee. Whew! I know how I feel about your situation, and that was not good. But, you are ok.
Botti - I am so sorry this happened to you.Hope nothing serious was damaged. I also hope your emotions come back to where they should be. You are truly a treasure.

As for my day today - We had a cold front hit down here and it was a little chilly. Long pants and sweaters were required for me. We did our 2 libraries, but for some reason, I could not get my car in the proper lane to do the one first, so we went backwards. City first, then county. Don't like it that way, but I dealt with it. Got home, made lunch, then took MIL to one of her banks to take care of "rolling over" one of her CD's. It's normally at a high enough interest rate to pay her property taxes and have some left over. Well, interest rates dropped big time and she got 1/3 the amount she usually gets. The interest rate is a little better now, but not like it used to be. It was 18% and dropped to 2.4%. Now, she got a 4.6%.
sorry feeling better botts your better hard to struggle not easy hope be your better :grouphug:
Today I fell down. Hard. This time in my living room. I have mashed up my right knee and ankle quite a bit. The knee is actually bleeding even though I had long pants on.

Further safety precautions are being taken with more clear space and clutter going to the storeroom.

I'm sad as even when I am aware that it might happen, I don't have control to stop it.

Awwwwww! :hug: