What did you do today? Part II

^^^Did she start learning the manual alphabet?

Sadly, no. She has decided to put it off for now. She said she is doing two bible studies, dealing with AWANAS, and her family has various members with various health issues going on right now. It's understandable. When she is ready, she will ask again I am sure. I won't force it. Oh well.
grind my own coffee (not with the machine). brewed it. and now drinking it.


hey wtf is that penguin doing there!? what a photobomber!
grind my own coffee (not with the machine). brewed it. and now drinking it.


hey wtf is that penguin doing there!? what a photobomber!

Is that penguin an oven mitt?
It looks like that penguin is waving goodbye.......Probably because it is inches away from a gas stove. *poof* :lol:
Took cat to vet.
Went and checked out manchester outlet
Read a book and let cat sleep on my lap for hours
It was. :)

I decide Sunny so childish. Sunshine might be pot smoking hippie, but is at least grown up. :giggle:

I don't think "Sunny" is childish - it's just a short form of Sunshine like 'Beth' is short for Elizabeth or 'Cory' short for Corrinne. I think both "Sunny" and "Sunshine" are beautiful unique names whether you are 8 or 80 years old. But if you want me to start calling you Sunshine instead, then Sunshine it is! :cheers:
went to audiologist's office and got my new earmold, am happy with it. Went to Gamestop and traded in my Nintendo DS Lite and a bunch of old games I didn't want anymore for store credit. Ended up with about $150 worth of store credit, so I used that and got myself a Nintendo 3DS, and I only paid less than $20 for the 3DS. I'm quite excited! Then ran back to apartment to pay rent, then picked up prescription from Walgreens. Stopped by my mom's store to show off my new 3DS, then grabbed lunch from Hardees and now I'm at work. So glad to have my new MusicLink telecoil earhook from TecEar.com so I can listen to music at work again. woohoo! Definitely a very good day! :)
Wirelessly posted

Worked... Only to have my videophone die on me so im currently teaching a coworker asl to pass time.