What did you do today? Part II

Off to Cochlear Implant exercise -Joy of Dance/Toronto -rumba workshop 9.00pm
Intro to Deaf Studies class. Really interesting, we're discussing education methods for the Deaf and communication systems used and audism and such. We had a cricket visitor, and I learned my teacher doesn't mind them being around, but doesn't like to be too close.
I hate on stress increase busy this week!!! lots of work increase!! I have interview on next week! I am plan lots of work I am tried lots of work out it is not easy!!
Oh good luck with your interview. What is it for?

Thank I am appreciate Ktielke, I hope I exciting to interview I hope be soon :) I starting be dryer fryer donate I love job, I hope be wait for see exciting, I hope! news I glad o I see find out exciting to close to soon :)
One step closer to mowing my own lawn - tire repaired, now need to put replacement belt on.
i woke up in the night face all wet put light on and my face covered in blood somehow cut eyebrow dont know how so must hit the bed head or something 4stitches so i rested up in bed all day,feel rather like shit today
Rode trains yesterday. Am on a train now. Will ride more trains today & expect to ride some more tomorrow. And slept (will sleep) in my own bed each night.
Drove 125 miles out of town for a funeral and drove back listening to MIL and hubby arguing during both trips. Son stayed out of it. Left home at 8am and got home at 4:30 pm. I am tired.
I was reading the paper earlier and saw an article about San Francisco. This weekend there will be an additional 800,000 people in the city, unbelievable!!! There is football, baseball, American Cup, Fleet week and two major festivals. Can't even imagine how that traffic will be.

I am watching sports from my recliner:)
i woke up in the night face all wet put light on and my face covered in blood somehow cut eyebrow dont know how so must hit the bed head or something 4stitches so i rested up in bed all day,feel rather like shit today

That is scary that you hurt yourself while sleeping. Be careful and hope you feel better soon!!
i woke up in the night face all wet put light on and my face covered in blood somehow cut eyebrow dont know how so must hit the bed head or something 4stitches so i rested up in bed all day,feel rather like shit today

Alien!! Sucking your brain out!

ok ok ok... scratch that... that's an ouchie...
SF for Giants Game

I was reading the paper earlier and saw an article about San Francisco. This weekend there will be an additional 800,000 people in the city, unbelievable!!! There is football, baseball, American Cup, Fleet week and two major festivals. Can't even imagine how that traffic will be.

I am watching sports from my recliner:)

My husband is one of those fools in San Francisco this weekend, for a baseball game. It only took the girls a few seconds to give up on looking for daddy on TV. ;-)
Wirelessly posted

Went to the beach today for my daughter's birthday. First really hot day this Spring. Summer is near.

I went to the beach today with my friend and our dogs. He drove us to Brooklyn (Coney Island Beach) and it was a bit cold but still nice. The dogs loved it.

And Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter!
Wirelessly posted

caz12 said:
i woke up in the night face all wet put light on and my face covered in blood somehow cut eyebrow dont know how so must hit the bed head or something 4stitches so i rested up in bed all day,feel rather like shit today

Wow. :-( hope you feel better soon.
Wirelessly posted

Mimsy said:
Wirelessly posted

Went to the beach today for my daughter's birthday. First really hot day this Spring. Summer is near.

I went to the beach today with my friend and our dogs. He drove us to Brooklyn (Coney Island Beach) and it was a bit cold but still nice. The dogs loved it.

And Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter!

Thanks Mimsy :)