What did you do today? Part II

Sounds like a fun day. I am so happy Zoey is fitting in so well with your family.:aw:

She is a little dream dog. Plus I get to feel good about myself because she is a rescue! :lol:
I went to walmart and got protein powder fo' my muscles. Mix with Milk.. :) Pumped iron last night.. lil sore!
went to work, tried to find a new boston terrier for the casa, ate a yummy burger, got bored, back on AD!!!
Wirelessly posted

Hung out online a bit; had breakfast @ the computer. Went for a walk w/ my dog in the cool foggy morning (happy dawg, LOL!). Made myself lunch. Relaxing while finishing lunch. Then later time for zazen & t'ai chi chih. And some chores, of course... :P
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Lazy day today. Tonight's the last show (rain, rain, stay away). Will go to pub (for a soda) after the show most likely.
Odd it is weird stranger maybe on rid the, no idea what is wrong I wish be fast to quick process on longest, I thinks so weird 0.o!! wtf?

edit: I went to go to shopping to already enjoy I brought new shoes and replace old throw shoes and new better I am lots of homework!
I am resting with my right leg elevated on the pile of pillows. Living with an open wound is such no fun. I'd suck up and deal with a chronic pain. :roll:
Still more Cochlear Implant exercise tomorrow-Mel Lastman sq/Toronto. Swing band on hand to keep everyone "swinging"! Hopefully no rain between 7.30 -9.00pm.
Man, I had a good foo-kin day tuhday. I drove to Canton and had a big blast. I got several hall of fame football players autographs. I met Earl Campbell,Dave Casper,Willie Brown, and Bob Lilly. Git this, I saw Tom Flores at the hotel and got a pic with him. Bob Lilly actually talked to me. He told me a story of Jim Brown..said he is the best ever. He signed the photo (Lilly tackling Brown 8x10)that Jim Brown already signed for me back in 2006. His nickname is Mr. Cowboy. I saw a lot of other Hall of Famers..Rickey Jackson, Bruce Smith, Larry Little..etc.. Autograph sessions at the hotel and museum. I went to the mall and ate.. The cashier asked me if I was deaf and told the yound lady, yeah. She signed to me..so cool. Huge sports show inside the mall..they had everything. I was blown away. I even saw Al Davis autograph which is very rare..the price was $500.00. I got 50th anni.(museum) drink glass. :rockon:
Last show last night. Slept in a couple hours this morning. Will probably take a map later. Will probably have another lazy day, but hope to get some things done (review what I've already pre-packed for my upcoming trip. Maybe even get another row or two done on the baby blanket.
Went to bed sinfully late....got up late....getting ready to wash my car even tho' it's wet and muggy outside...otherwise, we ate a very late breakfast.
First part of today's activity finished-swimming even 5 laps for Bottesini! Much cooler due to rain falling at the moment- will it end before dance time?
Watched a physics show on Science channel, GOD my brain hurts! :O Going to jog this off...
Watched a physics show on Science channel, GOD my brain hurts! :O Going to jog this off...

.... in this weather?

I just got home from city and.... it was very

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