What can I do to protect myself from infections spread by animals?


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May 20, 2003
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Always wash your hands well with soap and water after playing with or caring for animals. This is especially important before eating or handling food.

Be careful about what your pet eats and drinks. Feed your pet only pet food or cook all meat thoroughly before giving it to your pet. Don’t give your pet raw or undercooked meat. Don’t let your pets drink from toilet bowls or get into garbage. Don’t let your pets hunt or eat another animal’s stool (droppings).

Don’t handle animals that have diarrhea. If the pet’s diarrhea lasts for more than 1or 2 days, have a friend or relative who does not have HIV take your pet to your veterinarian. Ask the veterinarian to check the pet for infections that may be the cause of diarrhea.

Don’t bring home an unhealthy pet. Don’t get a pet that is younger than 6 months old — especially if it has diarrhea. If you are getting a pet from a pet store, animal breeder, or animal shelter (pound), check the sanitary conditions and license of these sources. If you are not sure about the animal’s health, have it checked out by your veterinarian.

Don’t touch stray animals because you could get scratched or bitten. Stray animals can carry many infections.

Don’t ever touch the stool of any animal.

Ask someone who is not infected with HIV and is not pregnant to change your cat’s litter box daily. If you must clean the box yourself, wear vinyl or household cleaning gloves and immediately wash your hands well with soap and water right after changing the litter.

Have your cat’s nails clipped so it can’t scratch you. Discuss other ways to prevent scratching with your veterinarian. If you do get scratched or bitten, immediately wash the wounds well with soap and water.*
Don’t let your pet lick your mouth or any open cuts or wounds you may have.
Don’t kiss your pet.

Keep fleas off your pet.

Avoid reptiles such as snakes, lizards, and turtles. If you touch any reptile, immediately wash your hands well with soap and water.

Wear vinyl or household cleaning gloves when you clean aquariums or animal cages and wash your hands well right after you finish.

Avoid exotic pets such as monkeys, and ferrets, or wild animals such as raccoons, lions, bats, and skunks.

*If you are bitten, you may need to seek medical advice.
That's true.....I agree with you and I have been raised all my life with my parents also loves animals like horses and dogs and cats, They did taught me how to take care of them for everything has been done like cleaning the stalls for horses and feed them with foods and always checking with water to stay full all the times, sometimes it gets dirty, just dump it out and refill the clean water to keep horses happy all the times. During my childhood and teenhood I have been joined the 4-H club and FFA with many projects like sewing, horse project, pig project and sheep project and also plant project (learn experience about take care of flowers and other plant but I am really no good green thumb like my mom is very good with them). Right now, I still have my own animals (dogs and cats) for now.