thinking how much my left hand hurts, one of the thick-ass DVD case fell off the bookcase onto my top of my hand.....oh gee!
All I can think about is sleeeeep and I gotta go to crappy work now
I am thinking how my dad will ask me the same questions over and over and over, yesterday he asked me the ame set of questions that he asked today and my answers were unchanged. It's almost like he forgets previous conversations. It's bloody annoying, but it's a sign he's getting older.
I am thinking about how overwhelming it has been lately trying to juggle all those schedules (me and my kids schedules) all together.
It's going to be even more crazier when school starts now that the kids will be in 3rd and 5th grade. Which means - more homework to do, more activities, more stuffs to do to juggle with.
It's going to be even more crazier when school starts now that the kids will be in 3rd and 5th grade. Which means - more homework to do, more activities, more stuffs to do to juggle with.
Na, it's all better now.If your hand will be pain next day, it may be broken and go to hospital.
When do they start school?
That sucks, but hey at least when they're in school - at least they will be monitored for a good portion of the day.
I'm thinking how worn out I am from working so much, Last week I put in 54 hours in one week, this week I gonna be working 7 days straight. I feel so exhausted, I have to be at work at 7 am tomorrow until 11 pm. All I want to do is sleep... *whines*