What are you thinking about?

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What's CDA?
Child Development Associate. It is what they call qualified Child care workers. In the US
Iam thinking about how easy and relaxing my summer teaching job is and with good pay too! Wish my regular job was like that! So nice to get off at 1240 daily and have the afternoons off to do errands. Took my daughter to the pool...very nice and relaxing day.:)
I have been playing Wii and trying not to veg out on the internet. Well today, I actually stayed busy for the first time in a while and it felt good.

I went and visited a friend today, then I took my DD to have her ears pierced this afternoon (photos coming tomorrow after the redness in her ears go away), and we played soccer for about 45 minutes this afternoon.

We ordered in pizza for dinner (yum yum) and this evening I updated my facebook status, downloaded two new games on my Wii (Super Mario Brothers released in 1985 on NES and Super Mario World released in 1992 on SNES) I like to have a good mix of new games as well as the classics. Keeps one from getting bored. I have played the original Mario but I can't play the Super Mario World until I obtain a Classic Controller for the Wii. Now if the Wii would simply take a SNES remote I have about 4 of those in good condition, but alas it does not. If there's any gurus out there willing to shed some light on this, I'm all for it. I also have the original NES gaming system with Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunting. I wish they would release the Duck Hunting game for Wii.
Thinking about that i'm hoping that my friend's mom is going to let her hang out with me for a little bit at the 4th of july festival and hang out for a little bit at my house because we havent seen each other since the 1st semester of the school year.

I'm praying her mom will say yes
Has had the bestest news ever!!!

I have done 5/6 math exams. On the 2nd attempt it was a written paper and the results only came today. I had to do the 3/4 more exams just to make sure. I didnt pass all the others but i did pass the maths written exam :D
wow, LOTS of good news, DeafLissa!!:D

Maybe you can meet up with one of your classmates soon-
I am thinking of what to do with my huge paycheck when it gets deposited this Wed. Thinking of buying a whole new bedroom set for my daughter's room, a Wii, paying for the home warranty for the year, getting new brake shoes for my SUV, and putting away hundreds of dollars in my savings. :)
I am thinking how much I miss my grandmother :( , how much I miss you guys on AD since I havent been on AD for awhile because I have been totally busy with work, spending time with my fiance and taking care of my sick grandmother.
Thinking how "silent" the board is... guessing people are little by little getting off to vacation... so HAPPY VACATION :wave:
I am relaxing after , I did a bootcamp workout this morning and a bit sore.
Thinking about fishing tomorrow. We will go about 45 miles out in the Gulf. So excited. Been since last year since we have been out that far.

Thinking about it so much that I can not sleep. Got to get up at 5am!
Thinking about fishing tomorrow. We will go about 45 miles out in the Gulf. So excited. Been since last year since we have been out that far.

Thinking about it so much that I can not sleep. Got to get up at 5am!

Send me over a big fish if you caught one. ;)
Thinking how "silent" the board is... guessing people are little by little getting off to vacation... so HAPPY VACATION :wave:
Or the majority of popular members disappearing from the forums.
Thinking about her rash and hoping it goes soon. Also thinking about thursday! I will be away for 4 days
No, i would not go near poison ivy, it appeared either overnight or after lunch
I'm thinking about having to go to work in the morning,god,I wish I can hit the lottery. :lol:
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