I'm freezing. It is 60 degrees outside.
Back pain...off to the doctor tommorow.
I am thinking about what not to have for dinner.
I'm thinking of this new place I live at.
Earlier my kids sad they heard some scurrying in the attic. My cat was wild!
I was thinking awe crap! We have rats here!
Not too long ago.... Cat had something!
It was a squirrel!
Holy Cow!
Thinking.... Is my home infested with squirrels! We do have several oak trees around the yard!
Hopefully the cat keeps them out of my house! Since they are just as destructive as rats.
I just moved here!!
This is not recommended for anyone as this poses a choking hazard.
Where are you Bott? It's been 25 C here today... that's like HOT for me Anything above that I'm literally dying LOL
Tomorrow's gonna be 18 C and towards the end of the week it's gonna drop even further... it's like winter all over again :roll:
Iowa in the Midwest of the US.
Our saying here is, "if you don't like the weather, just wait for tomorrow, it is never the same!"
I am thinking...
who the heck drinks coffee and eats one day old popcorn at the same time?
Me, that's who.