What are you thinking about?

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Thanks, Jillio, yes, allergies run in my family. What kinds of things do you react to?
I've also come across many others with LD/ADD/ADHD that also have allergies and/or asthma. Supposedly I have asthma too but I wonder to what degree the doc. just wanted to push meds on me....<?>
Epi-Pen is sooo important to have if u need one, my mom had anaphylactic reaction to bee sting when I was in high school and she was supposed to get one of those but she never did....can u buy more than one at a time, or do you have get a new one everytime after it is dispensed?

Paper on what, Dixie?

thinking, I'm hungry, too bad we can't all go out to eat..... :D

You can buy more than one Epi-pen at a time. My son had anaplylactic reactions to 5 different antibiotics, so I always had more than one on hand in case the first dose wasn't strong enough.

I react to perfumes, soaps, detergents, medicines, tree pollens, grass pollens, weed pollens, and cosmetics.
Thanks, Jillio, yes, allergies run in my family. What kinds of things do you react to?
I've also come across many others with LD/ADD/ADHD that also have allergies and/or asthma. Supposedly I have asthma too but I wonder to what degree the doc. just wanted to push meds on me....<?>
Epi-Pen is sooo important to have if u need one, my mom had anaphylactic reaction to bee sting when I was in high school and she was supposed to get one of those but she never did....can u buy more than one at a time, or do you have get a new one everytime after it is dispensed?

Paper on what, Dixie?

thinking, I'm hungry, too bad we can't all go out to eat..... :D

Its on Tim O'Brien and my thesis is that in a symbolic interpretation in the short fiction story "The Things They Carried", we can see bits and pieces of the author within the story. I have the paper in mind, but I'm having trouble organizing it and citing my sources properly. BTW this is an APA style paper. Also, I'm so high strung and nervous about a possible job-opening in May that Im having difficulty focusing on my writing.
Ohhh...your daughter has some severe allergies, huh? I always had to keep one for my son, too.

You know, I never thought about it being the smarter kids...but I like your correlation!:P

She is allergic to Shell Fish and Iodine. She pretty much knows not to eat shell fish. But doctors want her to have her Epi Pen with her all times. Due to once a person has an allergy. They are more than likely to develops new ones as they get older.

I gave her a shrimp when she was about 2 years old. She was rushed to the ER, with hives all over her and a closed up throat even her tongue was protruding out of her mouth! Talking about a scared mom!!!! She went into anaplylactic shock!

5 Different antibiotics!!! Gosh!! I hate to see your poor kid get sick!! What does he take for bacterial infections???
One Epi Pen stays at school, two stays at home, One stays in my daughters purse.

I have Four Epi Pens.

He at first prescribed, two of them. Then he went ahead and gave us two more. Due to daughter started school. Have to have a new Epi Pen, at school each year. due to they obviously expire.

The only thing I don't like about it. The School nurse keeps it locked in her office. And if my daughter has another severe reaction. She would have to wait for the nurse to unlock it. get it and bring it to her. Dang! That is a lot of time wasted.
ahhh, L'Chaim, Bott!! :D Nu, children are a blessing...as my Bubby would'a <obm> said

oh, so scary Babyblue and Jillio - the reactions! :eek3: When my mom had same it was frightening! And so quick - BOOM! My list and your list of items pretty much matches Jillio. Also cats for me. And dairy <not lactose intolerance, my mom has that>. And sometimes I have problem and sometimes not. Also, Vicodin, Ancef and Macrobid - meds given at various times for different things. The Vicodin was when I broke my arm a couple years ago now; the Ancef was in college when I had some kind major viral infection w/fever, and I got a rash from that, and the Macrobid was from treatment for UTI <which I'm prone to>. I have been debating about getting one of those bracelets or the Epi-Pen.
Hubby allergic to penicillin.

Do you like your writing class, Dixie? I actually did enjoy <mostly> doing papers in college. But organizing and getting the styles right was challenging... Good Luck!! And also on the possible job-opening! :fingersx:

to be on topic: thinking of Buddhism class tonight -
Its on Tim O'Brien and my thesis is that in a symbolic interpretation in the short fiction story "The Things They Carried", we can see bits and pieces of the author within the story. I have the paper in mind, but I'm having trouble organizing it and citing my sources properly. BTW this is an APA style paper. Also, I'm so high strung and nervous about a possible job-opening in May that Im having difficulty focusing on my writing.

Try using the APA manual online. I'm curious though. Why are they having you write an English paper in APA?
She is allergic to Shell Fish and Iodine. She pretty much knows not to eat shell fish. But doctors want her to have her Epi Pen with her all times. Due to once a person has an allergy. They are more than likely to develops new ones as they get older.

I gave her a shrimp when she was about 2 years old. She was rushed to the ER, with hives all over her and a closed up throat even her tongue was protruding out of her mouth! Talking about a scared mom!!!! She went into anaplylactic shock!

5 Different antibiotics!!! Gosh!! I hate to see your poor kid get sick!! What does he take for bacterial infections???

He's pretty limited. Usually they give him Keflex. Yeah, when he was a kid and would need antibiotics, I had to take him to the ER for the first dose so if he went into anaphylaxis, they had a crash cart standing by.
He's pretty limited. Usually they give him Keflex. Yeah, when he was a kid and would need antibiotics, I had to take him to the ER for the first dose so if he went into anaphylaxis, they had a crash cart standing by.

Oh wow! So he literally had to take the pill, and be watched! Poor kid!!
Thinking about the H1N1 Virus! Thinking about having some Pork Chops tonight! :D

with some mashed taters, and corn!!
Thinking about when I'll finally get a webcam established. A certain member of AD has been on my back about that...you know who you are. ;)
worry about Swine Flu. insane.

Me too.

Thinking why don't they go ahead and close down all the schools in the U.S. for the summer. Since the school year only have a few weeks left.
i'm thinking that this swine flu is nothing to be scared about. just be glad we're not in Mexico
We were discussing earlier that the WHO has issued a level 5 pandemic warning re: the swine flu. Cases are now being reported in Germany and Europe, as well as spreading out across the U.S. Mexico isn't all we have to worry about.

All of you please don't go ballistic, but do take precautions.

WHO raises pandemic alert to second-highest levelStory Highlights
NEW: WHO continues to recommend against restricting travel or closing borders

Researchers conducting complete genetic sequencing of the H1N1 virus

"Actions now should be taken with increased urgency," director-general says

World Health Organizations reports 148 cases in 11 countries

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