What are you thinking about?

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Well, if she finds him, she can bring him to her house to watch Nathan while she goes to the grocery store, gets something to eat, and takes a nap.
I ordered a book about gardening..cant wait to get started! What kind of flower?

Don't know yet. All I know is that this particular flower is long and red, native to Viet Nam. Apparently it's beautiful as the neighbor mentioning that individuals come up to her door to ask what kind of flower it is.

Tmw is supposed to be 55 degrees and rainy..:( I wish it will be 70+ all week!

75 degrees for today and 73 for tomorrow. I'm definately going to have lunch outside by the Falls.

I'm talking about the 24th when I go to court :lol:

Are you going to have a "Liberation Day" Party?
Don't know yet. All I know is that this particular flower is long and red, native to Viet Nam. Apparently it's beautiful as the neighbor mentioning that individuals come up to her door to ask what kind of flower it is.

75 degrees for today and 73 for tomorrow. I'm definately going to have lunch outside by the Falls.

Are you going to have a "Liberation Day" Party?

60 and cloudy here, but the rest of the week is in the upper 70's and sunny. Yay!
WOW! Sounds more of a busy day then I had today... At least I have had the chance to chill in the park for 2 hours :D

Here's a special :hug: for you and hope things will get better tomorrow. Regarding your son, have you had a chance to check on the net what his problem could be? That's what my friend usually does. She is member on a forum for parents, and usually there's always somebody to help you out with those kind of things... :shrug: I could say put a cool band on it or something else but diagnosis this way is pretty difficult. I'd consider going to a walk in clinic only (even if insurance doesn't pay back) if your son is having too much pain! Can't let him be this way the entire night... that's my opinion ;)

What's wrong with your dog... :( Oh boy... Doesn't sound like a good Monday for you... ;)

Unfortunately I had to smile (only briefly) when you posted about your power being out. Yeah, it's just one of those days... hate them too!!!!! They literally suck :giggle: You're like Why me? - Why now? - I don't want to! I don't have the time!. Frustrating, huh?

I'm sure tomorrow will be better!!!! Here another :hug: from the other side of the World :wave:

I am thinking how sweet it was for my b/f to bring me a latte, kiss and hug as I am stuck at home with my sick little boy (bronchitis, poor kid).
Is thinking she has a math exam tomorrow ARGHHH and dentist!!
Shel, I just saw your posts from this morning, you poor sister you. Hang in there ok, it won't always be this hard. Supportive hugs and energy sent to you. If I was close, I would come help you out. My son is sick too, has bronchitis which is awful for him, the antibiotics are making him throw up and have the runs, I need groceries too. Ya know, I think we should manifest virtual husbands to come save the day! They can look after all the troubles while we fly to a dessert island and sip pina coladas on the beach, sounds good to you?
One more thought Shel. Where I live, in Calgary Canada, the drug store pharmacist can give you behind the counter pink eye medicine if they know you.....also there is polysporin eye ointment for infections which works for pink eye.....can you call a pharmacy to deliver? Not sure if that helps or not, wish I could do more...I feel for ya, Love a single Mom who has been there and done that.
Hoping Shel finds her brother. Baltimore isn't a good place for a lost 19 year old.

Botts...and everyone else. U will be SHOCKED to hear what happened to him. Botts your words just rang true...will explain later. This is doing down as my day of PURE FUCKING HELL!
Thinking I am almost afraid to find out what happened to Shel's brother.
Botts...and everyone else. U will be SHOCKED to hear what happened to him. Botts your words just rang true...will explain later. This is doing down as my day of PURE FUCKING HELL!

:shock: That doesn't sound all too good to me... I'm even scared now....

EXTRA BIG :hug: to you!

My brother and his friend got lost in Baltimore and they were robbed at gunpoint and the robbers took off with all of their money $3,000 and smashed the side of his window when trying to get in. I am just totally freaked out. Why does my husband have to go away on a business trip for the week starting today...why? God..
Holy... wow. I am so sorry to hear that, Shel. If I was religious, I'd be praying for you and your brother.
Botts...and everyone else. U will be SHOCKED to hear what happened to him. Botts your words just rang true...will explain later. This is doing down as my day of PURE FUCKING HELL!

You have me worried now, Shel.

Should have read a bit further....is your brother okay? Besides the obvious, I mean?
My brother and his friend got lost in Baltimore and they were robbed at gunpoint and the robbers took off with all of their money $3,000 and smashed the side of his window when trying to get in. I am just totally freaked out. Why does my husband have to go away on a business trip for the week starting today...why? God..

god almighty.... $3,000?????? what were they doing with that much cash?? but I'm very glad to hear that your brother is A-OK. whew....
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