What are you thinking about?

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I'm thinking about money and that I'll need to spend money for xmas gifts and on back up disks for my computer, scanner, webcam and printer for it as well. I feel poor already. :( Did I mention I need to get refills for my meds done today? I'm out of a lot of my meds... so I have to go shopping in a few mintues.
Hey I got new Jags hat yesterday. I wish I was going to the game to sport the new cap

That's nice!....I have a Jaguar football, autographed by Marcus Stroud (he doesn't play for the Jags anymore)....hope to get one signed by Jones-Drew.....as for the game, don't think I'm gonna make it, cause it's very wet here from a lot of rain we've had....and my sinus and my head are not "cooperating".....gonna take a few days...but my boys will absolutely be going...it's "blacked out" here...guess the team might be headed out to LA! ??
I am thinking winter came to my state its a bit colder today and expect rain too. I am thinking of do my grocery shopping a bit later. Doing the laundry, drinking a protein shake , and AD.
I am thinking that oral deaf ed is definitely a barrier to education.
I'm thinking that it's horrible for teachers to ask students to write papers on what they're passionate about. You end up hating it because of all the papers. :(
What am I thinking about? MM finding true love and hope one day it happen with the right man who is not a monster. :)
If you hate winter and snow so much, then move out of Utah and go somewhere there are less snow like the west coast states or move south to St. George. :lol:

I was very close to moving to near Tampa Fl last May and it fell through. My cousin lives down in St George; I drive down and golf with him a couple times during the winter. I used to adore winter when I was a younger kid. Last few years of course just not fun anymore. I still appreciate it for skiing, but thats the only exception
I'm thinking life is getting better by the day. I have a renewed appreciation for a lot of things and treasure all my friendships, even those where I have not physically met the person (hint hint).

Things are looking a little better and I know we will make it. Maybe not the way we want, but we will make it.

Okay, deep enough for now!!

Jiro: I agree about ATV.
Shel90: I agree about oral deaf ed.
deafskeptic: I totally agree on money issue with Christmas gifts and meds.
I am thinking , it was very good to talk to my friend. We haven't talked in awhile.
I am thinking , it was very good to talk to my friend. We haven't talked in awhile.

It's great that you got the chance. I wish I could find an old friend of mine, but all searches have failed.
It's great that you got the chance. I wish I could find an old friend of mine, but all searches have failed.

He's been a friend of mine going on 15 years next spring, he was the primary reasons to learn ASL. We met in church and my ASL is blooming every day:) I know his family well, it will be the one year anniversary since, the death of his father (great man). He told me got to drive the classic car that belong to his dad. His father loved cars.
I am thinking about a late-night snack of Ramen noodles in rooster sauce and hot tea.
Totally regretting that Korean dish, my burps smell like garlic o_O

Anyone wanna kiss me? :D
Yeah, I guess its way better than kissing someone who has heavy liquored up breath
Nah I changed my mind, I looked at my bony wrist and realized I didn't want that late night snack after-all. :(
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