What are you thinking about?

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I'm thinking I may have to see a doctor tomorrow. I fell earlier today due to my neuropathy and still can't put any weight on my leg. My knee cap slid out of place and I had to "pop" it back in.

I don't like my cane, but it is becoming a good little friend. I have had to rely on it more and more and my family is thinking about getting me a scooter since I keep falling.

I've had 3 broken chins due to falling at WalMart. And no, I do not have a triple chin. It was 3 different times. Mostly the falling is due to the leg just giving out. My body is breaking down!!:eek3:
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LOL! I wish I didn't have to do them. :(

Awww... go to the nearest coffeehouse that's what I do because I am currently studying for the interpreter knowledge exam ;)
wondering if I'm the only one in here who didn't know it was the final game of World Series...... :dunno:
Awww... go to the nearest coffeehouse that's what I do because I am currently studying for the interpreter knowledge exam ;)

Good luck, OB! :) I am starting my studying for my International Business midterm tonight. It will be on Monday & Tuesday. My biology test probably won't be until next Friday, so luckily I won't have to study for both at the same time like I thought I would.
Good luck, OB! :) I am starting my studying for my International Business midterm tonight. It will be on Monday & Tuesday. My biology test probably won't be until next Friday, so luckily I won't have to study for both at the same time like I thought I would.

:ty: and good luck to you too :) I know you will PASS!

I better get to my workout class :scatter:
Good luck to the students on tests and such. Good luck to the Souggy on career choices.
I am thinking tonight felt soo good to be with my "best friend" you know who you are ;) :kiss:
Thinking about how I can't wait to go to Tai Chi class tonight. The only class I can do for now!!!! :hyper:

Plus it's Friday baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*cute pic of smiley reading: Be happy it's Friday :D
Have fun in Tai Chi class
Looking forward to driving all day long :) I adore listening to mushy gushy music during the drive!
I'm looking forwad to my 2 mile walk this afternoon. I am trying to lose weight and I have finally gotten to where I can walk, and now I will double the track and still to the exercises on the trail. Since July, I am down 25 pounds. Yahoo!!!
Congratulatations! Sounds like a great program. I walk 2-3 miles but never feel any lighter:lol:
Congratulatations! Sounds like a great program. I walk 2-3 miles but never feel any lighter:lol:

2-3 miles? hell no I wouldn't feel lighter. I would feel heavier and heavier like I'm dragging a 100 lbs chain ball
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