What are you thinking about?

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I am thinking about this book....

I am pondering about what I've read today, a little book called "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino. I think it is a really amazing book and I recommend you all to read it when you can. It is only 111 pages long. I hope you all had a great weekend! [hugs everyone]
Mod note:

Shall we get back on topic please guys? There is no need to keep hijacking threads around. :)
Mod note:

Shall we get back on topic please guys? There is no need to keep hijacking threads around. :)

I am thinking, "WHy does Calvin say,"get back on topic" about a thread that is about random thoughts?"

I am also thinking can random thought have a specific topic?
I am thinking, "WHy does Calvin say,"get back on topic" about a thread that is about random thoughts?"

I am also thinking can random thought have a specific topic?

Bwah!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha! That is just too funny!

I am thinking, "WHy does Calvin say,"get back on topic" about a thread that is about random thoughts?"

I am also thinking can random thought have a specific topic?

It is not necessary for one to keep bickering at each other and get back on the topic which is related to random thoughts instead of intentionally saying something to provoke one another in order for the thread to spiral down.
I am thinking, "WHy does Calvin say,"get back on topic" about a thread that is about random thoughts?"

I am also thinking can random thought have a specific topic?
Damn, we better keep our thoughts to an 'specific topic' right?

...the question is: What specific topic? :lol:
I know Calvin. Just what Botts said was funny. :)

Yea, I agree with u, Calvin. Time to let sleeping dogs lie.
I know Calvin. Just what Botts said was funny. :)

Yea, I agree with u, Calvin. Time to let sleeping dogs lie.

:ty: and yeah, let's move on. :)
I am thinking about even though this is my first time on the forum today, I really should get off and focus on something that really needs to get done.
Time to let sleeping dogs lie.


Picture is of my small dog as a puppy, laid out on her belly, sleeping.
Anyways, back on topic. I am thinking about what a GREAT win over the Steelers by the Bengals!!! Hehehehehe!

I hate the Steelers because they beat my Cards in the last Superbowl. Now Steelers are 1-2...hahahahaha!
Happy Baltimore and Eagles won.
Now, looking forward to the Cards game tonight.
Anyways, back on topic. I am thinking about what a GREAT win over the Steelers by the Bengals!!! Hehehehehe!

I hate the Steelers because they beat my Cards in the last Superbowl. Now Steelers are 1-2...hahahahaha!
Happy Baltimore and Eagles won.
Now, looking forward to the Cards game tonight.

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