I am thinking that people are being complete assholes in my city! I went out to buy my dog some food and a toy , I had a 'green light and some
#$%#* fool of a woman ran a red arrow to made a left turn and I had to slams on my brakes! Then another woman cut off coming out of an ATM ,my neighbor told he had the same thing happen to him today. I am not feeling holiday spirit right now!

I called the cops and left a message saying they needs to get some police cars out , they normally do on a holiday eve but I can't blame the cops for not wanting to be out the eve before Christmas . I had not seen one cop car out and that is very odd b/c there is always a few cars driving around this time of years . Damn I am pissed off , but I did find out I still have very good reflex b/c I was able to slam my brakes down fast and it was lucky for the jackass woman that cut me off.